Income TaxAssessment oder passed without DIN quashed by ITAT31 May 20230Assessment oder passed without DIN quashed by ITAT Asstt Order without DIN quashed - (1)
other topicFileStatement of Financial Transactions (SFT) by 31st May31 May 20230File Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT) by 31stย May All persons who are reporting entities under Rule 114E read with section…
other topicExtension of the date of filing statement of Donation of FY 2022-23 in Form No. 10BD & certificate in Form No. 10BE extended to 30th June 202331 May 20230Extension of the date of filing statement of Donation of FY 2022-23 in Form No. 10BD & certificate in Form…
other topicExpenses incurred for purchase of Diwali gifts by the assessee for the customers is an allowable expenditure U/S 37: ITAT30 May 20230Expenses incurred for purchase of Diwali gifts by the assessee for the customers is an allowable expenditure U/S 37: ITAT…
other topicNo Specific Identification is needed for exchange of 2000 notes: Delhi High Court30 May 20230No Specific Identification is needed for exchange of 2000 notes: Delhi High Court. The Delhi High Court upholds RBI…
Income TaxIf the Assessing Officer has not furnished the relevant documents based on which the show-cause notice u/s. 148A(b) of the Income-tax Act 1961 has been issued it Amount to gross violation of principles of natural justice29 May 20230If the Assessing Officer has not furnished the relevant documents based on which the show-cause notice u/s. 148A(b) of the…
GSTIncome TaxCGST issues Standard Operating Procedure for Scrutiny of Returns for FY 2019-20 onwards29 May 20230CGST issues Standard Operating ProcedureCGST issues Standard Operating Procedure for Scrutiny of Returns for FY 2019-20 onwards for Scrutiny of…
Income TaxITAT deletes LTCG on notionally calculated fictitious sale of jewellery29 May 20230ITAT deletes LTCG on notionally calculated fictitious sale of jewellery Ballabh Prasad Aggarwal (ITA No. 2351/Del/2019) Facts: A…
other topicTaxation on transfer of shares of Non-Traded or Suspended companies & Buy Back of Shares29 May 20230Taxation on transfer of shares of Non-Traded or Suspended companies & Buy Back of Shares. In the last issue of…
Income TaxITC Will Be Available For the Period from The Date of Cancellation of Registration to The Date of Restoration of Registration27 May 20230ITC Will Be Available For the Period from The Date of Cancellation of Registration to The Date of Restoration of…
Income TaxCBDT notifies Rs. 25,00,000 for leave encashment exemption under Section 10(10AA)27 May 20230CBDT notifies Rs. 25,00,000 for leave encashment exemption under Section 10(10AA) Notification No. 31/2023/F. No. 200/3/2023-ITA-I, dated 24.05.2023…
Company LawShares of Delisted Companies: Can I get the benefit of loss?23 May 20230Shares of Delisted Companies: Can I get the benefit of loss? Query] I am holding about 10-12 company’s…
Income TaxMere use of software by the distributor is not royalty: ITAT Bangalore20 May 20230Mere use of software by the distributor is not royalty: ITAT Bangalore Deputy Commissioner of Income Tax vs. M/s.…
IT JudgementKarnataka HC quashed SCN of Rs. 21,000 crores issued to Gameskraft’s online gaming activities.20 May 20230Karnataka HC quashed SCN of Rs. 21,000 crores issued to Gameskraft’s online gaming activities. This case argued by who’s…
Income TaxRs. 2,000/- Notes Demonetization: FAQs by the RBI20 May 20230Rs. 2,000/- Notes Demonetization: FAQs by the RBI Why are the Rs 2,000 denomination banknotes being withdrawn? The…
Income TaxDemonetisation of Rs. 2000/- How it is different from earlier demonetisation Rs. 500/- & Rs. 1,000/-20 May 20230Demonetisation of Rs. 2000/- How it is different from earlier demonetisation Rs. 500/- & Rs. 1,000/- However, it may…
Income TaxIncome Tax Dept. issued FAQs for Submitting Response to Notices and Letters Received under E-Verification Scheme, 202120 May 20230Income Tax Dept. issued FAQs for Submitting Response to Notices and Letters Received under E-Verification Scheme, 2021 Income…
IT JudgementRule 11UA amended by CBDT for angel tax on funds raised from non-residants.20 May 20230Rule 11UA amended by CBDTย for angel tax on funds raised from non-residants. The CBDT has issued Press Release proposing…