Income TaxNavi Mumbai CGST Commissionerate busts Input Tax Credit racket of more than Rs. 10 Crores – Arrests one businessman14 Jan 20220Navi Mumbai CGST Commissionerate busts Input Tax Credit racket of more than Rs. 10 Crores – Arrests one businessman Acting…
Income TaxIf the taxpayer had substantiated with evidence regarding identity and creditworthiness of share applicants and genuineness of transactions, no addition u/s 68 was called for.29 Sep 20210If the taxpayer had substantiated with evidence regarding identity and creditworthiness of share applicants and genuineness of transactions, no addition…
Income TaxTax Treatment of Unexplained money, investments not fully disclosed in books of account, Unexplained expenditure and Amount borrowed or repaid on hundi in cash27 May 20210Tax Treatment of Unexplained money, investments not fully disclosed in books of account, Unexplained expenditure and Amount borrowed or repaid…
IT JudgementUndisclosed Stock taxable as unexplained Assests u/s 6911 Aug 20180Undisclosed Stock taxable as unexplained Assets u/s 69 of Income Tax Act 1961 Income Tax Act has been amended drastically…