Income TaxCBDT issued another clarification on Section 194O, section 194Q, section 206C of the Income-tax Act, 196127 Nov 20210CBDT issued another clarification on Section 194O, section 194Q, section 206C of the Income-tax Act, 1961 There are few…
Income TaxFinMin against Indiscreet Show Cause Notice (SCNs) issued by Service Tax Authorities for mismatch in data of ITR & Service Tax Returns.28 Oct 20210FinMin against Indiscreet Show Cause Notice (SCNs) issued by Service Tax Authorities for mismatch in data of ITR & Service…
Income TaxCBIC issued Notification No. 36/2021 to amend Notification No. 03/202127 Sep 20210CBIC issued Notification No. 36/2021 to amend Notification No. 03/2021 (Department of Revenue) (CENTRAL BOARD OF INDIRECT TAXES AND CUSTOMS) New…
Income TaxROC Compliance Due Dates for the month of September, 2021:16 Sep 20210ROC Compliance Due Dates for the month of September, 2021: The amount of penalty and fine under the companies…
Income TaxCBIC issued clarification regarding extension of time limit to apply for revocation of cancellation of registration15 Sep 20210CBIC issued clarification regarding extension of time limit to apply for revocation of cancellation of registration Circular No. 158/14/2021-GST Dated…
Income TaxCBDT notifies cases which will not be covered by Faceless Assessment Scheme8 Sep 20210CBDT notifies cases which will not be covered by Faceless Assessment Scheme CBDT has issued instruction vide letter F.No. 225/97/2021/ITA-11…
IT JudgementCBDT invites comments on the draft notification for framing of rules for the amendments made by the Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act, 2021.30 Aug 20210CBDT invites comments on the draft notification for framing of rules for the amendments made by the Taxation Laws (Amendment)…
Income TaxTHE TAXATION LAWS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 202120 Aug 20210 THE TAXATION LAWS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2021 MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE (Legislative Department) New Delhi, the 13th August,…
Income TaxAn overview of 9 important Amendment by Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Amendment Bill, 202116 Aug 20210An overview of 9 important Amendment by Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Amendment Bill, 2021 Following is a short compilation…
Income TaxAdvisory for Taxpayers regarding Blocking of E-Way Bill (EWB) generation facility resume after 15th August, 2021.9 Aug 20210Advisory for Taxpayers regarding Blocking of E-Way Bill (EWB) generation facility resume after 15th August, 2021. 04/08/2021 As you…
Company Law“Corporate Compliance Calendar for the M/o August, 2021”5 Aug 20210“Corporate Compliance Calendar for the M/o August, 2021” Compliance Requirement Under Income Tax Act, 1961 Goods & Services Tax…
Income Tax“FAQ’s on SEBI (LODR) Amendments dated 05th May, 2021”22 Jul 20210“FAQ’s on SEBI (LODR) Amendments dated 05th May, 2021” Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) vide notification /…
GSTUpcoming functionalities to be deployed on GST Portal for the Taxpayers in the month of July, 202112 Jul 20210Upcoming functionalities to be deployed on GST Portal for the Taxpayers in the month of July, 2021 09/07/2021 As…
other topicGST on milling of wheat into flour or paddy into rice for distribution by State Governments under PDS18 Jun 20210GST on milling of wheat into flour or paddy into rice for distribution by State Governments under PDS CBIC-190354/36/2021-TRU Section-CBEC…
Company LawIncome Tax“Corporate Compliance Calendar for the M/o June, 2021”2 Jun 20210“Corporate Compliance Calendar for the M/o June, 2021” Compliance Requirement Under Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA) and Important…
Income Tax‘43rd GST Council meeting Outcome: 8 Key highlights dated 28th May, 202129 May 20211 Comment‘43rd GST Council meeting Outcome: 8 Key highlights dated 28th May, 2021 The 43rdGST Council met under the…
Income TaxAn Exemption on import of Covid-19 relief material donated from abroad10 May 20210An Exemption on import of Covid-19 relief material donated from abroad Central Government has recently offered exemption From…
Company Law“Corporate Compliance Calendar for the M/o May, 2021”4 May 20210 “Corporate Compliance Calendar for the M/o May, 2021” About Article: This article contains various Compliance requirementsfor the Month of…