CBDT notifies cases which will not be covered by Faceless Assessment Scheme


CBDT notifies cases which will not be covered by Faceless Assessment Scheme

CBDT has issued instruction vide letter F.No. 225/97/2021/ITA-11 dated 06th September, 2021 specifying the cases and instances where the assessment would not be covered by faceless assessment scheme notified by CBDT earlier. The copy of the order is as under:
F No. 187/3/2020-ITA-I
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Direct Taxes)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 6th September, 2021
Subject:- Order under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) providing exclusions to section 144B of the Act.
The Faceless Assessment Scheme, 2019 (the Scheme) has been incorporated in the Act vide the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Act, 2020. Section 144B of the Act pertaining to Faceless Assessment has been inserted by the said amendment w.e.f. 01.04.2021.
  1. The Central Board of Direct Taxes vide Order F.No.187/3/2020-ITA-1 dated 13thAugust, 2020 (the Order) read with order under section 119 of the Act regarding mutatis mutandis application of Orders, Circulars etc. issued in order to implement the Scheme to Faceless Assessment u/s 144B of the Act, F.No.187/3/2020-ITA-I dated 31stMarch, 2021 directed that all the Assessment Orders shall be passed by the National Faceless Assessment Centre (NaFAC) u/s 144B of the Act except as under:-
i) Assessment orders in cases assigned to Central Charges.
ii) Assessment orders in cases assigned to International Tax
  1. In partial modification of the said Order, the Central Board of Direct Taxes in exercise of powers under section 119 of the Act, hereby directs that in addition to exceptions (1) (ii) provided in Para 2 of the Order, the following exception is also hereby added as under: ‑
iii. Assessment Orders in cases where pendency could not be created on ITBA because of technical reasons or cases not having a PAN, as the case may be.
  1. Further, the Central Board of Direct Taxes clarifies that assessment in cases transferred by the Principal Chief Commissioner or the Principal Director General in charge of National Faceless Assessment Centre (NaFAC) u/s 144B(8) of the Act shall be handled as per the procedure specified in the letter F.No. 225/97/2021/ITA-11 dated 06thSeptember, 2021.
  2. This order comes into effect immediately.
(Sourabh Jain)
Under Secretary (ITA-I),CBDT
