Income TaxComputation of capital gain u/s 50B in case undertaking have a negative Net worth22 Aug 20200Computation of capital gain u/s 50B in case undertaking have a negative Net worth Section 50B is a special provision…
Income TaxIf the undertaking is held for more than three years, it constitutes a “long-term capital asset” even if it consists of the some depreciable assets21 Aug 20200If the undertaking is held for more than three years, it constitutes a “long-term capital asset” even if it consists…
IT JudgementRule 11 of ITAT Rules, 1963 empowers the appellant to urge any ground not set forth in the memorandum of appeal & it also empowers Tribunal20 Aug 20200Rule 11 of ITAT Rules, 1963 empowers the appellant to urge any ground not set forth in the memorandum of…