Income TaxDeduction towards Prior period expenses crystallised during the year31 Jan 20220Deduction towards Prior period expenses crystallised during the year Kamla Retail Ltd (ITA 2010-11 1023/CHANDI 2019) Short Overview of the…
IT JudgementPrior Period Expenses: No deduction if there is no evidence that expenses had been crystallized during the year13 Nov 20210Prior Period Expenses: No deduction if there is no evidence that expenses had been crystallized during the year Short Overview…
Income TaxPrior period expenses are to be allowed in subsequent years if such expenses are crystallized in that year.15 Jun 20210Prior period expenses are to be allowed in subsequent years if such expenses are crystallized in that year. …
Income TaxQualification in Tax Audit Report : There is no express bar in law which disallows expenditure relating to a period other than the previous year.11 Sep 20200Qualification in Tax Audit Report : There is no express bar in law which disallows expenditure relating to a period…
Income TaxQualification in Tax Audit Report : There is no express bar in law which disallows expenditure relating to a period other than the previous year.11 Sep 20200Qualification in Tax Audit Report : There is no express bar in law which disallows expenditure relating to a period…