How to get the DTAA benefit for filing income tax return in India?


How to get the DTAA benefit for filing income tax return in India?


To get the benefit of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) while filing your income tax return in India, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Determine your residency status: Your residency status will determine which country has the right to tax your income.
  2. Know the DTAA provisions: Check if India has a DTAA with the country where you are earning income and understand the provisions of the agreement.
  3. Keep records: Maintain proper documentation and records of your income, taxes paid abroad, and other relevant information.
  4. File taxes in both countries: If both countries have the right to tax your income, file your tax returns in both countries.
  5. Claim relief: You can claim relief from double taxation by using the provisions of DTAA while filing your tax return in India.
  6. Seek professional help: If needed, seek the help of a tax professional or a chartered accountant to ensure that you are complying with the DTAA provisions and taking advantage of the benefits available.
  7. Don’t forget to file Form No. 67 within due date for getting the Tax Credit
