Filing the return of Deceased Tax payer – procedure for registration of Legal Heir

Deceased Tax payer


The process is little cumbersome but there is no other option but to follow the following Steps for Legal Heir Registration under income tax: –
Step 1 – Login to e-Filing portal using Legal Heir Credentials
Step 2 – My Account -> Register as Legal Heir
Step 3 – Select the Type of Request – New Request
Step 4 – Enter the details of Deceased
  • PAN
  • Date of Birth
  • Surname
  • Middle Name
  • First Name
Step 5 – Select the files to upload
Step 6 – Attach a Zip File with the below scanned documents
  • Copy of the Death Certificate
  • Copy of PAN card of the deceased
  • Self-attested PAN card copy and
  • Legal Heir Certificate Or Affidavit in presence of a Notary Public
Step 7 – Click Submit
Note: Following documents will be accepted as Legal Heir certificate.
  • The legal heir certificate issued by court of law
  • The legal heir certificate issued by the Local revenue authorities.
  • The certificate of surviving family members issued by the local revenue authorities
  • The registered will
  • The Family pension certificate issued by the State/Central government.
Approval Process of Legal Heir on Income Tax e-Filing Website
Step 1 – Legal Heir New request will be sent to the e-Filing Administrator.
Step 2 – The e-Filing Administrator will verify the request and approve / reject as applicable.
Note: e-Filing Administrator may approve as Temporary Legal Heir or Permanent Legal Heir, based on the documents uploaded. An e-mail is sent to the registered e-mail ID with the details of approval / rejection.
Temporary Legal Heir
A person is treated as a Temporary Legal Heir when fails to submit any one of the five Legal Heir certificates as specified.
Permanent Legal Heir
A person is treated as a Permanent Legal Heir when the person submits any one of the five Legal Heir certificates mentioned above.
Steps involved in Legal Heir Registration – Upgrade to Permanent Legal Heir
Step 1 – Login to e-Filing portal using Legal Heir Credentials
Step 2 – My Account -> Register as Legal Heir
Step 3 – Select the Type of Request – Upgrade to Permanent LH
Step 4 – Select the Legal Heir Certificate
Step 5 – Upload the Scan document of any one of the Legal Heir Certificate.
Step 6 – Click Submit
Upgrade to Permanent Legal Heir request will be sent to the e-Filing Administrator.
The e-Filing Administrator will verify the request and approve / reject as applicable.
To view the status of the request
Login using Legal Heir Credentials
My Request List —> Select Add Legal Heir Request.
The Legal Heir should add his/her PAN in the verification part of the ITR Form, validate and generate the xml of the return (if using offline forms) and upload the return of the deceased using the Legal Heir login.
Key Points to be noted:
Documents in regional language should be translated to Hindi or English. The translated document should be notarized (Both the original and translated document should be uploaded).
The uploaded documents should be scanned in PDF format with 300 dpi.
The zip file attachment should not exceed 1Mb.

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