Consolidated Master direction from RBI to Banks on MSME credit.


Consolidated Master direction from RBI to Banks on MSME credit.



Master Direction FIDD.MSME & NFS.12/06.02.31/2017-18                                 July 24, 2017 (Updated as on July 29, 2022)

(Updated as on April 25, 2018)

The Chairman / Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer All Scheduled Commercial Banks

(excluding Regional Rural Banks) Madam/Dear Sir,

Master Direction – Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector


The Reserve Bank of India has, from time to time, issued a number of instructions / guidelines to banks relating to lending to the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector. The Master Direction enclosed incorporates the updated instructions / guidelines on the subject. The list of circulars consolidated in this Master Direction is indicated in the Appendix.

Yours faithfully

(Nisha Nambiar)

Chief General Manager

Master Direction – Reserve Bank of India [Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector] – Directions, 2017

In exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 21 and 35 A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949, the Reserve Bank of India, being satisfied that it is necessary and expedient in the public interest to do so, hereby, issues the Directions hereinafter specified.


  • Short Title and Commencement


  1. These Directions shall be called the Reserve Bank of India [Lending to Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sector] Directions,
  2. These Directions shall come into effect on the day they are placed on the official website of the Reserve Bank of


The provisions of these Directions shall apply to all Scheduled Commercial Banks (excluding Regional Rural Banks RRBs).

Definitions/ Clarifications

 In these Directions, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms herein shall bear the meanings assigned to them as below:

  1. The MSMED Act, 2006 means ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006’ as notified by the Government of India on June 16, 2006 and the amendments, if any, carried out therein by the Government of India from time to
  2. ‘Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ mean the enterprises as defined in the MSMED Act, 2006 and the amendments, if any, carried out therein by the Government of India from time to time.
  3. ‘Priority Sector’ means the sectors specified in the Master Direction on Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Targets and Classification dated September 4, 2020 as updated from time to
  4. ‘Adjusted Net Bank Credit (ANBC)’ shall have the same meaning as given in the Master Direction on Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Targets and Classification dated September 4, 2020 as updated from time to



  1. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 
  • In terms of Gazette Notification O. 2119 (E) dated June 26, 2020, an enterprise shall be classified as a micro, small or medium enterprise on the basis of the following criteria viz.,
    1. a micro enterprise, where the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed ₹1 crore and turnover does not exceed ₹5 crore;
    2. a small enterprise, where the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed ₹10 crore and turnover does not exceed ₹50 crore; and
  • a medium enterprise, where the investment in plant and machinery or equipment does not exceed ₹50 crore and turnover does not exceed ₹250
  • All the above enterprises are required to register online on the Udyam Registration portal and obtain ‘Udyam Registration Certificate’.
  • Retail and Wholesale trade are included as MSMEs for the limited purpose of priority sector lending and are allowed to be registered on Udyam Registration
  • Composite criteria of investment and turnover for classification
  1. Composite criteria of investment and turnover shall apply for classification of an enterprise as micro, small or
  2. If an enterprise crosses the ceiling limits specified for its present category in either of the two criteria of investment or turnover, it will cease to exist in that category and will be placed in the next higher category; but no enterprise shall be placed in the lower category unless it goes below the ceiling limits specified for its present category in both the criteria of investment as well as
  • All units with Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) listed against the same Permanent Account Number (PAN) shall be collectively treated as one enterprise and the turnover and investment figures for all of such entities shall be seen together and only the aggregate values will be considered for deciding the category as micro, small or medium
  • Calculation of investment in plant and machinery or equipment
  1. The calculation of investment in plant and machinery or equipment will be linked to the Income Tax Return (ITR) of the previous years filed under the Income Tax Act, 1961. The online form for Udyam Registration captures depreciated cost as on 31st March each year of the relevant previous year. Therefore, the value of plant and machinery or equipment for all purposes of the Notification S.O. 2119(E) dated June 26, 2020 and for all the enterprises shall mean the Written Down Value (WDV) as at the end of the Financial Year as defined in the Income Tax Act.
  2. In case of a new enterprise, where no prior ITR is available, the investment will be based on self-declaration of the promoter of the enterprise and such relaxation shall end after the 31st March of the financial year in which it files its first
  • The expression ‘’plant and machinery or equipment’’ of the enterprise, shall have the same meaning as assigned to the plant and machinery in the Income Tax Rules, 1962 framed under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and shall include all tangible assets (other than land and building, furniture and fittings).
  1. The purchase (invoice) value of a plant and machinery or equipment, whether purchased first-hand or second hand, shall be taken into account excluding Goods and Services Tax (GST), on self-disclosure basis, if the enterprise is a new one without any
  • The cost of certain items specified in the Explanation I to sub-section (1) of section 7 of the MSMED Act, 2006 shall be excluded from the calculation of the amount of investment in plant and Calculation of turnover
  1. Exports of goods or services or both, shall be excluded while calculating the turnover of any enterprise whether micro, small or medium, for the purposes of
  2. Information as regards turnover and exports for an enterprise shall be linked to the Income Tax Act or the Central Goods and Services Act (CGST Act) and the
  • The turnover related figures of such enterprise which do not have PAN will be considered on self-declaration basis for a period up to March 31, 2021 and thereafter, PAN and GSTIN shall be mandatory.
  • Classification of Enterprises in case of upward /downward migration

In case of an upward change in terms of investment in plant and machinery or equipment or turnover or both, and consequent re-classification, an enterprise will maintain its prevailing status till expiry of one year from the close of the year of registration. In case of reverse- graduation of an enterprise, whether as a result of re-classification or due to actual changes in investment in plant and machinery or equipment or turnover or both, and whether the enterprise is registered under the Act or not, the enterprise will continue in its present category till the closure of the financial year and it will be given the benefit of the changed status only with effect from 1st April of the financial year following the year in which such change took place. Other aspects relating to registration of enterprises, grievance redressal, etc. are mentioned in the Gazette Notification S.O. 2119 (E) dated June 26, 2020.



  1. Targets / sub-targets for lending to MSME sector


  • Priority Sector Guidelines for MSME sector

Scheduled Commercial Banks shall adhere to the targets/sub-targets for lending to the MSME sector and related aspects as laid down in the Master Direction on Priority Sector Lending (PSL) – Targets and Classification dated September 4, 2020 as updated from time to time.

  • In terms of the recommendations of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on MSMEs, banks are advised to achieve:
    1. 20 per cent year-on-year growth in credit to micro and small enterprises,
    2. 10 per cent annual growth in the number of micro enterprise accounts and
  • 60 per cent of total lending to MSE sector as of the corresponding quarter of the previous year to micro enterprises.



  1. Common guidelines/Instructions for lending to MSME sector


Issue of Acknowledgement of Loan Applications to MSME borrowers

 Banks are advised to mandatorily acknowledge all loan applications, submitted manually or online, by their MSME borrowers and ensure that a running serial number is recorded on the application form as well as on the acknowledgement receipt. Banks are further advised to put in place a system of Central Registration of loan applications, online submission of loan applications and a system of e-tracking of MSE loan applications.


 Banks are mandated not to accept collateral security in the case of loans up to ₹10 lakh extended to units in the MSE sector. Banks are also advised to extend collateral-free loans up to ₹10 lakh to all units financed under the Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) administered by KVIC. Banks may, on the basis of good track record and financial position of the MSE units, increase the limit to dispense with the collateral requirement for loans up to ₹25 lakh (with the approval of the appropriate authority). Banks are advised to strongly encourage their branch level functionaries to avail of the Credit Guarantee Scheme cover, including making performance in this regard a criterion in the evaluation of their field staff.

Composite loan

 A composite loan limit of ₹1 crore can be sanctioned by banks to enable the MSE entrepreneurs to avail of their working capital and term loan requirement through Single Window.

Revised General Credit Card (GCC) Scheme

 In order to enhance the coverage of GCC Scheme to ensure greater credit linkage for all productive activities within the overall Priority Sector guidelines and to capture all credit extended by banks to individuals for non-farm entrepreneurial activity, the GCC guidelines were revised on December 2, 2013.

Streamlining flow of credit to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) for facilitating timely and adequate credit flow during their ‘Life Cycle’

In order to provide timely financial support to Micro and Small enterprises facing financial difficulties during their ‘Life Cycle’, guidelines were issued to banks vide circular FIDD.MSME & NFS.BC.No.60/06.02.31/2015-16 dated August 27, 2015 on the captioned subject. Banks are advised to review and tune their existing lending policies to the MSE sector by incorporating therein the following provisions so as to facilitate timely and adequate availability of credit to viable MSE borrowers especially during the need of funds in unforeseen circumstances:

  1. To extend standby credit facility in case of term loans
  2. Additional working capital to meet with emergent needs of MSE units
  • Mid-term review of the regular working capital limits, where banks are convinced that changes in the demand pattern of MSE borrowers require increasing the existing credit limits of the MSMEs, every year based on the actual sales of the previous
  1. Timelines for Credit Decisions

Debt Restructuring Mechanism for MSMEs 

  1. Banks are advised to follow the guidelines/instructions on debt restructuring pertaining to MSMEs contained in the ‘Master Circular – Prudential norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances’ as updated from time to time.
  2. All commercial banks are also advised in terms of our circular SME&NFS.BC.No.102/06.04.01/2008-09 dated May 4, 2009 to do the following:
    1. put in place loan policies governing extension of credit facilities, Restructuring/Rehabilitation policy for revival of potentially viable sick units / enterprises (now read with guidelines on Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises issued on March 17, 2016) and non- discretionary One Time Settlement scheme for recovery of non- performing loans for the MSE sector, with the approval of the Board of Directors and
    2. give wide publicity to the One-Time settlement scheme implemented by them, by placing it on the bank’s website and through other possible modes of They may allow reasonable time to the borrowers to submit the application and also make payment of the dues in order to extend the benefits of the scheme to eligible borrowers.
    3. implement recommendations with regard to timely and adequate flow of credit to the MSE

Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of MSMEs

 The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India, vide their Gazette Notification dated May 29, 2015 had notified a ‘Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ to provide a simpler and faster mechanism to address the stress in the accounts of MSMEs and to facilitate the promotion and development of MSMEs. After carrying out certain changes in the captioned Framework in consultation with the Government of India, Ministry of MSME so as to make it compatible with the existing regulatory guidelines on ‘Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning pertaining to Advances’ issued to banks by RBI, the guidelines on the captioned Framework along with operating instructions were issued to banks on March 17, 2016. The revival and rehabilitation of MSME units having loan limits up to ₹25 crore would be undertaken under this Framework. The revised Framework supersedes our earlier Guidelines on Rehabilitation of Sick Micro and Small Enterprises issued vide our circular RPCD.CO.MSME& NFS.BC.40/06.02.31/2012- 2013 dated November 1, 2012, except those relating to Reliefs and Concessions for Rehabilitation of Potentially Viable Units and One Time Settlement, mentioned in the said circular.

The salient features of the Framework are as under:

  1. Before a loan account of an MSME turns into a Non-Performing Asset (NPA), banks or creditors should identify incipient stress in the account by creating three sub- categories under the Special Mention Account (SMA) category as given in the Framework
  2. Any MSME borrower may also voluntarily initiate proceedings under this Framework
  • Committee approach to be adopted for deciding corrective action plan
  1. Timelines have been fixed for taking various decisions under the Framework

Structured Mechanism for monitoring the credit growth to the MSE sector


In view of the concerns emerging from the deceleration in credit growth to the MSE sector, an Indian Banking Association (IBA)-led Sub-Committee (Chairman: Shri K.R. Kamath) was set up to suggest a structured mechanism to be put in place by banks to monitor the entire gamut of credit related issues pertaining to the sector. Based on the recommendations of the Committee, banks are advised to:

  • strengthen their existing systems of monitoring credit growth to the sector and put in place a system-driven comprehensive performance management information system (MIS) at every supervisory level (branch, region, zone, head office) which should be critically evaluated on a regular basis;
  • put in place a system of e-tracking of MSE loan applications and monitor the loan application disposal process in banks, giving branch-wise, region-wise, zone-wise and State-wise positions. The position in this regard is to be displayed by banks on their

Detailed guidelines were issued to the scheduled commercial banks vide our circular RPCD. MSME&NFS.BC.No.74/06.02.31/2012-13 dated May 9, 2013.

Chapter – V


  • Institutional arrangements

 Specialised MSME branches


Public sector banks are advised to open at least one specialised branch in each district. Further, banks have been permitted to categorise their general banking branches having 60% or more of their advances to MSME sector as specialized MSME branches in order to encourage them to open more specialised MSME branches for providing better service to this sector as a whole. As per the policy package announced by the Government of India for stepping up credit to MSME sector, the public sector banks would ensure specialized MSME branches in identified clusters/centres with preponderance of small enterprises to enable the entrepreneurs to have easy access to the bank credit and to equip bank personnel to develop requisite expertise. Though their core competence will be utilized for extending finance and other services to MSME sector, they will have operational flexibility to extend finance/render

other services to other sectors/borrowers. Banks may take care to train the officials posted in such branches appropriately.

Empowered Committee on MSMEs

 As part of the announcement made by the Union Finance Minister, Empowered Committees on MSMEs are constituted at the Regional Offices of Reserve Bank of India, under the Chairmanship of the Regional Directors with the representatives of SLBC Convenor, senior level officers from two banks having predominant share in MSME financing in the state, representative of SIDBI Regional Office, the Director of MSME or Industries of the State Government, one or two senior level representatives from the MSME Associations in the state, and a senior level officer from SFC/SIDC as members. The Committee would meet periodically and review the progress in MSME financing as also revival and rehabilitation of stressed Micro, Small and Medium units. It would also coordinate with other banks/financial institutions and the state government in removing bottlenecks, if any, to ensure smooth flow of credit to the sector. The committees may decide the need to have similar committees at cluster/district levels.

Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI)

 BCSBI in collaboration with the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA), Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and member banks had evolved the ‘Code of Bank’s Commitment to Micro and Small Enterprises’ – which set minimum standards of banking practices for member banks to follow when they are dealing with Micro and Small Enterprises. The objective of the Code is to promote good banking practices, setting minimum standards for the adherents, increasing transparency, achieving higher operating standards and above all, promoting a cordial banker- customer relationship which would foster confidence in the banking system. The Code lays great emphasis on transparency and providing full information to the customer before a product or service is sold to him/her. Above all, member banks of BCSBI have voluntarily adopted the Code for implementation. While BCSBI has initiated the process of its dissolution, banks may continue to follow their commitments as hitherto under the Code of Bank’s Commitment to Micro and Small Enterprises.

Micro and Small Enterprises Sector – The imperative of Financial Literacy and consultancy support

Keeping in view the high extent of financial exclusion in the MSME sector, it is imperative for banks that the excluded units are brought within the fold of the formal banking sector. The lack of financial literacy, operational skills, including accounting and finance, business planning etc. represent formidable challenge for MSE borrowers underscoring the need for facilitation by banks in these critical financial areas. Moreover, MSE enterprises are further handicapped in this regard by absence of scale and size. To effectively and decisively address these handicaps, scheduled commercial banks were advised vide our circular RPCD.MSME & NFS.BC.No.20/06.02.31/2012-13 dated August 1, 2012 that they could either separately set up special cells at their branches, or vertically integrate this function in the Financial Literacy Centres (FLCs) set up by them, as per their comparative advantage. The bank staff should also be trained through customised training programs to meet the specific needs of the sector. Further, Financial Literacy Centres operated by Scheduled commercial Banks have been advised vide our circular FIDD.FLC.BC.No.22/12.01.018/2016-17 dated March 2, 2017 to conduct target specific financial literacy camps, where one of the target groups is small entrepreneurs.

      Cluster Approach


All SLBC Convenor banks are advised to incorporate in their Annual Credit Plans, the credit requirement in the clusters identified by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India. They are also encouraged to extend banking services in such clusters / agglomerations which have come up and identified subsequently by SLBC / DCC members.

  1. As per Ganguly Committee recommendations (September 4, 2004), banks are advised that a full- service approach to cater to the diverse needs of the SSI sector (now MSE sector) may be achieved through extending banking services to recognized MSE clusters by adopting a 4-C approach namely, Customer focus, Cost control, Cross sell and Contain risk. A cluster-based approach to lending may be more beneficial:
    1. in dealing with well-defined and recognized groups;
    2. for making available of appropriate information for risk assessment; and
    3. for monitoring by the lending institutions.

Clusters may be identified based on factors such as trade record, competitiveness and growth prospects and/or other cluster specific data.

  1. All SLBC Convenor banks were advised vide letter PLNFS.No.10416/06.02.31/2006-07 dated May 8, 2007 to review their institutional arrangements for delivering credit to the MSME sector, especially in 388 clusters identified by United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) spread over 21 states in various parts of the country. A list of SME clusters as identified by UNIDO has been furnished in Annex I.
  • The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises has approved a list of clusters under the Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) and Micro and Small Enterprises Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP) located in 121 Minority Concentration Districts. Accordingly, appropriate measures have been taken to improve the credit flow to the identified clusters of micro and small entrepreneurs from the Minority Communities residing in the minority concentrated districts of the country.
  1. In terms of recommendations of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on MSMEs, banks should open more MSE focused branch offices at different MSE clusters which can also act as Counselling Centres for MSEs. Each lead bank of a district may adopt at least one MSE

      Delayed Payment

 In the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED), Act 2006, the provisions of The Interest on Delayed Payment to Small Scale and Ancillary Industrial Undertakings Act, 1998, have been strengthened as under:

  1. The buyer has to make payment to the supplier on or before the date agreed upon between him and the supplier in writing or, in case of no agreement, before the appointed day. The period agreed upon between the supplier and the buyer shall not exceed forty-five days from the date of acceptance or the day of deemed
  2. In case the buyer fails to make payment of the amount to the supplier, he shall be liable to pay compound interest with monthly rests to the supplier on the amount from the appointed day or, on the date agreed on, at three times of the Bank Rate notified by Reserve
  • For any goods supplied or services rendered by the supplier, the buyer shall be liable to pay the interest as advised at (ii)
  1. In case of dispute with regard to any amount due, a reference shall be made to the Micro and Small Enterprises Facilitation Council, constituted by the respective State

Further, banks are advised to fix sub-limits within the overall working capital limits to the large borrowers specifically for meeting the payment obligation in respect of purchases from MSMEs.



  • Committees on flow of Credit to MSE sector


Scheduled Commercial Banks may be guided by the contents of the following circulars while extending credit to MSE sector:

Report of the High Level Committee on Credit to SSI (now MSE) (Kapur Committee)

 All scheduled commercial banks were advised vide our circular RPCD. No. PLNFS.BC.22/06.02.31/98- 99 dated August 28, 1998 to implement the Kapur Committee Recommendations.

Report of the Committee to Examine the Adequacy of Institutional Credit to SSI Sector (now MSE) and Related Aspects (Nayak Committee)

All scheduled commercial banks were advised vide our circular RPCD.PLNFS.BC.No. 61/06.0262/2000-01 dated March 2, 2001 to implement the Nayak Committee Recommendations.

Report of the Working Group on Flow of Credit to SSI (now MSE) Sector (Ganguly Committee)

The recommendations of the Committee were communicated to banks for implementation vide circular RPCD.PLNFS.BC.28/06.02.31(WG)/2004-05 dated September 4, 2004.

Working Group on Rehabilitation of Sick SMEs (Chairman: Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty)

 Banks were advised vide circular dated RPCD.SME&NFS.BC.No.102/06.04.01/2008-09 dated May 4, 2009 to consider implementation of the recommendations, inter alia, that lending in case of all advances upto ₹2 crores may be done on the basis of scoring model.

Prime Minister’s Task Force on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

 A High-Level Task Force was constituted by the Government of India (Chairman: Shri T K A Nair), in January 2010, to consider various issues raised by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The Task Force recommended several measures having a bearing on the functioning of MSMEs, viz., credit, marketing, labour, exit policy, infrastructure/technology/skill development and taxation. The comprehensive recommendations cover measures that need immediate action as well as medium term institutional measures along with legal and regulatory structures and recommendations for North- Eastern States and Jammu & Kashmir.Banks are urged to keep in view the recommendations made by the Task Force and take effective steps to increase the flow of credit to the MSE sector, particularly to the micro enterprises. A circular was issued to all scheduled commercial banks vide RPCD.SME&NFS BC.No.90/06.02.31/2009-10 dated June 29, 2010 advising implementation of the recommendations of the Prime Minister’s Task Force on MSMEs.

Working Group to Review the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises

A Working Group was constituted by the Reserve Bank of India under the Chairmanship of Shri V.K. Sharma, Executive Director, to review the working of the Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) of CGTMSE and suggest measures to enhance its usage and facilitate increased flow of collateral free loans to MSEs. The recommendations of the Working Group included, inter alia, mandatory doubling of the limit for collateral free loans to micro and small enterprises (MSEs) sector from ₹5 lakh to ₹10 lakh and enjoining upon the Chief Executive Officers of banks to strongly encourage the branch level functionaries to avail of the CGS cover and making performance in this regard a criterion in the evaluation of their field staff, etc. have been advised to all banks. A circular to this effect was issued to all scheduled commercial banks vide RPCD.SME&NFS.BC.No.79/06.02.31/2009-10 dated May 6, 2010.

Annex I


List of MSME Clusters in India (identified by UNIDO)


State District Location Product
1 Andhra Pradesh Anantpur Rayadurg Readymade Garments
2 Andhra Pradesh Anantpur Chitradurg Jeans Garments
3 Andhra Pradesh Chittoor Nagari Powerloom
4 Andhra Pradesh Chittoor Ventimalta,

Srikalahasti, Chundur

Brass Utensils
5 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari East Godavari Rice Mills
6 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari Rajahmundry Graphite Crucibles
7 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari East Godavari Coir & Coir Products
8 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari Rajahmundry Aluminium Utensils
9 Andhra Pradesh East Godavari

& West Godavari

East Godavari (EG) & West Godavari Refractory Products
10 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Guntur Powerloom
11 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Guntur Lime Calcination
12 Andhra Pradesh Guntur Macherla Wooden Furniture
13 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Hyderabad Ceilling Fan
14 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Hyderabad Electronic Goods
15 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Hyderabad Pharmaceuticals- Bulk


16 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Musheerabad Leather Tanning
17 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Hyderabad Hand Pumpsets
18 Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad Hyderabad Foundry
19 Andhra Pradesh Karimnagar Sirsilla Powerloom
20 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Machilipatnam Gold Plating & Imitation


21 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Vijayawada Rice Mills
22 Andhra Pradesh Krishna Chundur, Kavadiguda,

Charminar, Vijayawada

Steel Furniture
23 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Adoni Oil Mills
24 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool Kurnool Artificial Diamonds
25 Andhra Pradesh Kurnool, Cuddapah Kurnool (Banaganapalle, Bethamcheria, Kolimigundla)


Polished Slabs
26 Andhra Pradesh Prakasam Markapuram Stone Slate
27 Andhra Pradesh Ranga Reddy Balanagar, Jeedimetla

& Kukatpally

Machine Tools
28 Andhra Pradesh Srikakulam Palasa Cashew Processing
29 Andhra Pradesh Visakhapatnam,

East Godavari



Marine Foods
30 Andhra Pradesh Warangal Warangal Powerloom
31 Andhra Pradesh Warangal Warangal Brassware
32 Andhra Pradesh West Godavari West Godavari Rice Mills
33 Bihar Begusarai Barauni Engineering & Fabrication
34 Bihar Muzzafarpur Muzzafarpur Food Products
35 Bihar Patna Patna Brass and German Silver


36 Chhattisgarh Durg, Rajnandgaon, Raipur Durg, Rajnandgaon, Raipur Steel Re-rolling
37 Chhattisgarh Durg, Raipur Durg, Raipur Castings & Metal Fabrication
38 Delhi North West Delhi Wazirpur, Badli Stainless Steel Utensils & Cutlery
39 Delhi South & West Delhi Okhla, Mayapuri Chemicals
40 Delhi West & South Naraina & Okhla Electrical Engineering


41 Delhi West & South Naraina & Okhla Electronic Goods
42 Delhi North Delhi Lawrence Road Food Products
43 Delhi South Delhi Okhla, Wazirpur Flatted Factories


Leather Products
44 Delhi South, West


Okhla, Mayapuri,

Anand Parbat

Mechanical Engineering


45 Delhi West, South, East Delhi Naraina, Okhla, Patparganj Packaging Material
46 Delhi West & South Naraina & Okhla Paper Products
47 Delhi West & South Naraina Udyog Nagar & Okhla Plastic Products
48 Delhi West, South, North West Naraina, Okhla, Shivaji Marg, Najafgarh Road Rubber Products
49 Delhi North East Delhi Shahadara & Vishwasnagar Wire Drawing
50 Delhi West & North West Mayapuri & Wazirpur Metal Fabrication
51 Delhi West & North East Kirtinagar & Tilak Nagar Furniture
52 Delhi North West Delhi Wazirpur Electro Plating
53 Delhi South, West, North West & North West Okhla, Mayapuri, Naraina, Wazirpur Badli & G.T. Karnal


Auto Components
54 Delhi North East Delhi, East Delhi & South Shahdara, Gandhinagar, Okhla & Maidangari Hosiery
55 Delhi South & North East Okhla & Shahdara Readymade Garments
56 Delhi South Delhi Okhla Sanitary Fittings
57 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Pharmaceuticals
58 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Dyes & Intermediates
59 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Moulded Plastic Products
60 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Readymade Garments
61 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Textile Machinery Parts
62 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad,


Diamond Processing
63 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Machine Tools
64 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Castings & Forging
65 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Steel Utensils
66 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Wood Product & Furniture
67 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Paper Products
68 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Leather Footware
69 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Washing Powder & Soap
70 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Marble Slabs
71 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Power Driven Pumps
72 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Electronic Goods
73 Gujarat Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Auto Parts
74 Gujarat Amreli Savarkundla Weights & Measures
75 Gujarat Amrelli, Juna Garh, Rajkot Amrelli Juna Garh Rajkot belt Oil Mills Machinery
76 Gujarat Bhavnagar Alang Ship Breaking
77 Gujarat Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Steel Re-rolling
78 Gujarat Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Machine Tools
79 Gujarat Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Plastic Processing
80 Gujarat Bhavnagar Bhavnagar Diamond Processing
81 Gujarat Gandhinagar Kalol Powerloom
82 Gujarat Jamnagar Jamnagar Brass Parts
83 Gujarat Jamnagar Jamnagar Wood Product & Furniture
84 Gujarat Mahesana Vijapur Cotton Cloth Weaving
85 Gujarat Rajkot Dhoraji, Gondal, Rajkot Oil Mills
86 Gujarat Rajkot Jetpur Textile Printing
87 Gujarat Rajkot Morvi & Wankaner Flooring Tiles(Clay)
88 Gujarat Rajkot Morvi Wall Clocks
89 Gujarat Rajkot Rajkot Diesel Engines
90 Gujarat Rajkot Rajkot Electric Motors
91 Gujarat Rajkot Rajkot Castings & Forging
92 Gujarat Rajkot Rajkot Machine Tools
93 Gujarat Rajkot Rajkot Diamond Processing
94 Gujarat Surat Surat, Choryasi Diamond Processing
95 Gujarat Surat Surat Powerloom
96 Gujarat Surat Surat Wood Product & Furniture
97 Gujarat Surat Surat Textile Machinery
98 Gujarat Surendranagar Surendranagar & Thangadh Ceramics
99 Gujarat Surendranagar Chotila Sanitary Fittings
100 Gujarat Vadodara Vadodara Pharmaceuticals- Bulk


101 Gujarat Vadodara Vadodara Plastic Processing
102 Gujarat Vadodara Vadodara Wood Product & Furniture
103 Gujarat Valsad Pardi Dyes & Intermediates
104 Gujarat Valsad/Bharuch Vapi/Ankleshwar Chemicals
105 Gujarat Valsad/Bharuch Vapi/Ankleshwar Pharmaceuticals- Bulk


106 Goa South Goa Margao Pharmaceutical
107 Haryana Ambala Ambala Mixies & Grinders
108 Haryana Ambala Ambala Scientific Instruments
109 Haryana Bhiwani Bhiwani Powerloom
110 Haryana Bhiwani Bhiwani Stone Crushing
111 Haryana Faridabad Faridabad Auto Components
112 Haryana Faridabad Faridabad Engineering Cluster
113 Haryana Faridabad Faridabad Stone Crushing
114 Haryana Gurgaon Gurgaon Auto Components
115 Haryana Gurgaon Gurgaon Electronic Goods
116 Haryana Gurgaon Gurgaon Electrical Engineering


117 Haryana Gurgaon Gurgaon Readymade Garments
118 Haryana Gurgaon Gurgaon Mechanical Engineering


119 Haryana Kaithal Kaithal Rice Mills
120 Haryana Karnal Karnal Agricultural Implements
121 Haryana Karnal,

Kurukshetra, Panipat

Karnal, Kurukshetra, Panipat Rice Mills
122 Haryana Panchkula Pinjore Engineering Equipment
123 Haryana Panchkula Panchkula Stone Crushing
124 Haryana Panipat Panipat Powerloom
125 Haryana Panipat Panipat Shoddy Yarn
126 Haryana Panipat Samalkha Foundry
127 Haryana Panipat Panipat Cotton Spinning
128 Haryana Rohtak Rohtak Nuts/ Bolts
129 Haryana Yamuna Nagar Yamuna Nagar Plywood/Board/Blackboard
130 Haryana Yamunanagar Jagadhri Utensils
131 Himachal


Kullu & Sirmaur Kullu & Sirmaur Food Processing
132 Himachal


Kangra Damtal Stone Crushing
133 Himachal


Solan Parwanoo Engineering Equipment
134 Jammu &


Anantnag Anantnag Cricket Bat
135 Jammu &


Jammu Jammu Steel Re-rolling
136 Jammu &


Jammu/ Kathua Jammu/ Kathua Oil Mills
137 Jammu &


Jammu/ Kathua Jammu/ Kathua Rice Mills
138 Jammu &


Srinagar Srinagar Timber Joinery/ Furniture
139 Jharkhand Sarikela-


Adityapur Auto Components
140 Jharkhand East


Jamshedpur Engineering & Fabrication
141 Jharkhand Bokaro Bokaro Engineering & Fabrication
142 Karnataka Bangalore Bangalore Machine Tools
143 Karnataka Bangalore Bangalore Powerloom
144 Karnataka Bangalore Bangalore Electronic Goods
145 Karnataka Bangalore Bangalore Readymade Garments
146 Karnataka Bangalore Bangalore Light Engineering
147 Karnataka Bangalore Bangalore Leather Products
148 Karnataka Belgaum Belgaum Foundry
149 Karnataka Belgaum Belgaum Powerloom
150 Karnataka Bellary Bellary Jeans Garments
151 Karnataka Bijapur Bijapur Oil Mills
152 Karnataka Dharwad Hubli, Dharwad Agriculture Implements and

Tractor Trailer

153 Karnataka Gadag Gadag Betgeri Powerloom
154 Karnataka Gulburga Gulburga Gadagh belt Dal Mills
155 Karnataka Hassan Arasikara Coir & Coir Products
156 Karnataka Mysore Mysore Food Products
157 Karnataka Mysore Mysore Silk
158 Karnataka Raichur Raichur Leather Products
159 Karnataka Shimoga Shimoga Rice Mills
160 Karnataka South Kannada Mangalore Food Products
161 Kerala Alappuzha Alappuzha Coir & Coir Products
162 Kerala Ernakulam Ernakulam Rubber Products
163 Kerala Ernakulam Ernakulam Powerloom
164 Kerala Ernakulam Kochi Sea Food Processing
165 Kerala Kannur Kannur Powerloom
166 Kerala Kollam Kollam Coir & Coir Products
167 Kerala Kottayam Kottayam Rubber Products
168 Kerala Mallappuram Mallappuram Powerloom
169 Kerala Palakkad Palakkad Powerloom
170 Kerala Faizlure Powerloom
171 Maharashtra Ahmednagar Ahmednagar Auto Components
172 Maharashtra Akola Akola Oil Mills (Cotton seed)
173 Maharashtra Akola Akola Dal Mills
174 Maharashtra Aurangabad Aurangabad Auto Components
175 Maharashtra Aurangabad Aurangabad Pharmaceuticals- Bulk


176 Maharashtra Bhandara Bhandara Rice Mills
177 Maharashtra Chandrapur Chandrapur Roofing Tiles
178 Maharashtra Chandrapur Chandrapur Rice Mills
179 Maharashtra Dhule Dhule Chilly Powder
180 Maharashtra Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Castings & Forging
181 Maharashtra Gadchiroli Gadchiroli Rice Mills
182 Maharashtra Gondia Gondiya Rice Mills
183 Maharashtra Jalgaon Jalgaon Dal Mills
184 Maharashtra Jalgaon Jalgaon Agriculture Implements
185 Maharashtra Jalna Jalna Engineering Equipment
186 Maharashtra Kolhapur Kolhapur Diesel Engines
187 Maharashtra Kolhapur Kolhapur Foundry
188 Maharashtra Kolhapur Ichalkaranji Powerloom
189 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Electronic Goods
190 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Pharmaceutical – Basic


191 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Toys (Plastic)
192 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Readymade Garments
193 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Hosiery
194 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Machine Tools
195 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Engineering Equipment
196 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Chemicals
197 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Packaging Material
198 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Handtools
199 Maharashtra Mumbai Mumbai Plastic Products
200 Maharashtra Nagpur Nagpur Powerloom
201 Maharashtra Nagpur Nagpur Engineering & Fabrication
202 Maharashtra Nagpur Nagpur Steel Furniture
203 Maharashtra Nagpur Nagpur (Butibori) Readymade Garments
204 Maharashtra Nagpur Nagpur Handtools
205 Maharashtra Nagpur Nagpur Food Processing
206 Maharashtra Nanded Nanded Dal Mills
207 Maharashtra Nashik Malegaon Powerloom
208 Maharashtra Nashik Nashik Steel Furniture
209 Maharashtra Pune Pune Auto Components
210 Maharashtra Pune Pune Electronic Goods
211 Maharashtra Pune Pune Food Products
212 Maharashtra Pune Pune Readymade Garments
213 Maharashtra Pune Pune Pharmaceuticals- Bulk


214 Maharashtra Pune Pune Fibre Glass
215 Maharashtra Ratnagiri Ratnagiri Canned & Processed Fish
216 Maharashtra Sangli Sangli M S Rods
217 Maharashtra Sangli Madhavanagar Powerloom
218 Maharashtra Satara Satara Leather Tanning
219 Maharashtra Sholapur Sholapur Powerloom
220 Maharashtra Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Cashew Processing
221 Maharashtra Sindhudurg Sindhudurg Copper Coated Wires
222 Maharashtra Thane Bhiwandi Powerloom
223 Maharashtra Thane Kalyan Confectionery
224 Maharashtra Thane Vashind Chemicals
225 Maharashtra Thane Tarapur, Thane-


Pharmaceuticals- Bulk


226 Maharashtra Thane Thane Sea Food
227 Maharashtra Wardha Wardha Solvent Oil
228 Maharashtra Yavatmal Yavatmal Dal Mills
229 Madhya Pradesh Bhopal Bhopal Engineering Equipment
230 Madhya Pradesh Dewas Dewas Electrical Goods
231 Madhya Pradesh East Nimar Burhanpur Powerloom
232 Madhya Pradesh Indore Indore Pharmaceuticals-Bulk


233 Madhya Pradesh Indore Indore Readymade Garments
234 Madhya Pradesh Indore Indore Food Processing
235 Madhya Pradesh Indore Pithampur Auto Components
236 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Jabalpur Readymade Garments
237 Madhya Pradesh Jabalpur Jabalpur Powerloom
238 Madhya Pradesh Ujjain Ujjain Powerloom
239 Orissa Balangir Balangir Rice Mills
240 Orissa Balasore Balasore Rice Mills
241 Orissa Balasore Balasore Powerloom
242 Orissa Cuttack Cuttack Rice Mills
243 Orissa Cuttack Cuttack Chemicals &


244 Orissa Cuttack Cuttack (Jagatpur) Engineering & Fabrication
245 Orissa Cuttack Cuttack Spices
246 Orissa Dhenkanal Dhenkanal Powerloom
247 Orissa Ganjam Ganjam Powerloom
248 Orissa Ganjam Ganjam Rice Mills
249 Orissa Koraput Koraput Rice Mills
250 Orissa Puri Puri Rice Mills
251 Orissa Sambhalpur Sambhalpur Rice Mills
252 Punjab Amritsar Amritsar Rice Mills
253 Punjab Amritsar Amritsar Shoddy Yarn
254 Punjab Amritsar Amritsar Powerloom
255 Punjab Fatehgarh


Mandi Govindgarh Steel Re-rolling
256 Punjab Gurdaspur Batala Machine Tools
257 Punjab Gurdaspur Batala,Gurdaspur Rice Mills
258 Punjab Gurdaspur Batala Castings & Forging
259 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Sports Goods
260 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Agricultural Implements
261 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Handtools
262 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Rubber Goods
263 Punjab Jalandhar Kartarpur Wooden Furniture
264 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Leather Tanning
265 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Leather Footwear
266 Punjab Jalandhar Jalandhar Surgical Instruments
267 Punjab Kapurthala Kapurthala Rice Mills
268 Punjab Kapurthala Phagwara Diesel Engines
269 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Auto Components
270 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Bicycle Parts
271 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Hosiery
272 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Sewing M/C Components
273 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Industrial Fastners
274 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Handtools
275 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Machine Tools
276 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Forging
277 Punjab Ludhiana Ludhiana Electroplating
278 Punjab Moga Moga Wheat Threshers
279 Punjab Patiala Patiala Agricultural Implements
280 Punjab Patiala Patiala Cutting Tools
281 Punjab Sangrur Sangrur Rice Mills
282 Rajasthan Alwar, S.

Madhopur, Bharatpur

Alwar, S. Madhopur Bharatpur belt Oil Mills
283 Rajasthan Ajmer Kishangarh Marbe Slabs
284 Rajasthan Ajmer Kishangarh Powerloom
285 Rajasthan Alwar Alwar Chemicals
286 Rajasthan Bikaner Bikaner Papad Mangodi, Namkin
287 Rajasthan Bikaner Bikaner Plaster of Paris
288 Rajasthan Dausa Mahuwa Sand Stone
289 Rajasthan Gaganagar Ganganagar Food Processing
290 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Gems & Jewellery
291 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Ball Bearing
292 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Electrical Engineering


293 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Food Products
294 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Garments
295 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Lime
296 Rajasthan Jaipur Jaipur Mechanical Engineering


297 Rajasthan Jhalawar Jhalawar Marble Slabs
298 Rajasthan Nagaur Nagaur Handtools
299 Rajasthan Sikar Shikhawati Wooden Furniture
300 Rajasthan Sirohi Sirohi Marble Slabs
301 Rajasthan Udaipur Udaipur Marble Slabs
302 Tamil Nadu Chennai Chennai Auto components
303 Tamil Nadu Chennai Chennai Leather Products
304 Tamil Nadu Chennai Chennai Electroplating
305 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Coimbatore Diesel Engines
306 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Coimbatore Agricultural Implements
307 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Tirupur Hosiery
308 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Coimbatore Machine Tools
309 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Coimbatore Castings & Forging
310 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Coimbatore, Palladam,

Kannam Palayam

311 Tamil Nadu Coimbatore Coimbatore Wet Grinding Machines
312 Tamil Nadu Erode Surampatti Powerloom
313 Tamil Nadu Karur Karur Powerloom
314 Tamil Nadu Madurai Madurai Readymade Garments
315 Tamil Nadu Madurai Madurai Rice Mills
316 Tamil Nadu Madurai Madurai Dal Mills
317 Tamil Nadu Namakkal Thiruchengode Rigs
318 Tamil Nadu Salem Salem Readymade Garments
319 Tamil Nadu Salem Salem Starch & Sago
320 Tamil Nadu Thanjavur Thanjavur Rice Mills
321 Tamil Nadu Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli Engineering Equipment
322 Tamil Nadu Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirapalli (Rural) Artificial Diamonds
323 Tamil Nadu Tuticorin Kovilpathi Safety Matches
324 Tamil Nadu Vellore Ambur, Vaniyambadi,

Pallar Valley

Leather Tanning
325 Tamil Nadu Virdhunagar Rajapalayam Cotton Mills(Gauge Cloth)
326 Tamil Nadu Virudhunagar Virudhunagar Tin Container
327 Tamil Nadu Virudhunagar Sivakasi Printing
328 Tamil Nadu Virudhunagar Sivakasi Safety Matches & Fire


329 Tamil Nadu Virudhunagar Srivilliputhur Toilet Soap
330 Uttar Pradesh Agra Agra Foundry
331 Uttar Pradesh Agra Agra Leather Footwear
332 Uttar Pradesh Agra Agra Mechanical Engineering


333 Uttar Pradesh Aligarh Aligarh Brass & Gunmetal Statues
334 Uttar Pradesh Aligarh Aligarh Locks
335 Uttar Pradesh Aligarh Aligarh Building Hardware
336 Uttar Pradesh Allahabad Mau Powerloom
337 Uttar Pradesh Allahabad Mau Aima Leather Products
338 Uttar Pradesh Banda Banda Powerloom
339 Uttar Pradesh Bulandshahr Khurja Ceramics
340 Uttar Pradesh Firozabad Firozabad Glass Products
341 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Electronic Goods
342 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Toys
343 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Chemicals
344 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Electrical Engineering


345 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Garments
346 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Mechanical Engineering


347 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Packaging Material
348 Uttar Pradesh Gautam

Buddha Nagar

Noida Plastic Products
349 Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad Ghaziabad Chemicals
350 Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad Ghaziabad Mechanical Engineering


351 Uttar Pradesh Ghaziabad Ghaziabad Packaging Material
352 Uttar Pradesh Gorakhpur Gorakhpur Powerloom
353 Uttar Pradesh Hathras Hathras Sheetwork (Globe, Lamp)
354 Uttar Pradesh Jhansi Jhansi Powerloom
355 Uttar Pradesh Kannauj Kannauj Perfumery & Essential Oils
356 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Kanpur Saddlery
357 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Kanpur Cotton Hosiery
358 Uttar Pradesh Kanpur Kanpur Leather Products
359 Uttar Pradesh Meerut Meerut Sports Goods
360 Uttar Pradesh Meerut Meerut Scissors
361 Uttar Pradesh Moradabad Moradabad Brassware
362 Uttar Pradesh Muzaffarnagar Muzaffarnagar Rice Mills
363 Uttar Pradesh Saharanpur Saharanpur Rice Mills
364 Uttar Pradesh Saharanpur Saharanpur Woodwork
365 Uttar Pradesh Varanasi Varanasi Sheetwork (Globe, Lamp)
366 Uttar Pradesh Varanasi Varanasi Powerloom
367 Uttar Pradesh Varanasi Varanasi Agricultural Implements
368 Uttar Pradesh Varanasi Varanasi Electric Fan
369 Uttaranchal Dehradun Dehradun Miniature Vacuum Bulb
370 Uttaranchal Haridwar Roorkee Survey Instruments
371 Uttaranchal Udham Singh


Rudrapur Rice Mills
372 West Bengal Bankura Barjora Fishing Hooks(Information


373 West Bengal HMC & Bally

Municipal area

Howrah Foundry
374 West Bengal Howrah Bargachia, Mansinghapur, Hantal, Sahadatpur &


375 West Bengal Howrah HMC & Bally Municipal

area Sevok Rd

Steel Re-rolling
376 West Bengal Howrah Domjur Artificial & Real Jewellery
377 West Bengal Cooch Bihar Cooch Bihar-I, Tufanganj, Mathabangha,


Sitalpati/ Furniture
378 West Bengal Kolkata Wellington, Khanpur Electric Fans
379 West Bengal Kolkata Sovabazar, Cossipur Hosiery
380 West Bengal Kolkata Metiaburuj Ward No.

138 to 141

Readymade Garments
381 West Bengal Kolkata Tiljala, Topsia,


Leather Goods
382 West Bengal Kolkata Daspara(Ultadanga),


Dal Mills
383 West Bengal Kolkata Taltala, Lenin, Sarani Mechanical Engineering


384 West Bengal Kolkata Bowbazar, Kalighat Wood Products
385 West Bengal Nadia Matiary, Dharmada,


Bell/Metal Utensils
386 West Bengal Nadia Ranaghat Powerloom
387 West Bengal Purulia Jhalda Proper, Purulia,

Begunkodar & Tanasi

388 West Bengal South 24 Parganas Kalyanpur, Purandarpur, Dhopagachi Surgical Instruments




List of Circulars consolidated by the Master Direction




Circular No. Date Subject Paragraph


1 FIDD.MSME & NFS.BC.No.13/06.02.31


July 7, 2021 New Definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises   –   Addition   of

Retail and Wholesale Trade



2 FIDD.CO.Plan.BC.5/04.


September 4, 2020 Priority Sector   Lending   –

Targets and Classification



August 21, 2020 New Definition of Micro, Small          and           Medium

Enterprises – clarifications






NFS.BC.No.3/06.02.31/ 2020-21

July 2, 2020 Credit flow to Micro, Small

and     Medium     Enterprises Sector



July 13, 2017 Investment in plant and machinery for the purpose of classification as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – documents to

be relied upon




6 FIDD.FLC.BC.No.22/12. 01.018/2016-17 March 2, 2017 Financial Literacy by FLCs (Financial Literacy Centres) and rural branches – Policy




7 FIDD.MSME&NFS.BC.N o.21/06.02.31/2015-16 March 17, 2016 Framework for Revival and Rehabilitation of Micro, Small and Medium

Enterprises (MSMEs)



8 FIDD.MSME&NFS.BC.N o.60/06.02.31/2015-16 August 27, 2015 Streamlining flow of credit to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) for facilitating timely and adequate credit flow

during their ‘Life Cycle’






December 2, 2013 Revised      General      Credit

Card (GCC) Scheme

10 RPCD.MSME&NFS.BC. No.74/06.02.31/2012-13 May 9, 2013 Structured Mechanism for

monitoring the credit growth to the MSE sector


4.1, 4.8

11 RPCD.CO.MSME&NFS. BC.40/06.02.31/2012-


November 1, 2012 Guidelines for Rehabilitation of Sick Micro and Small




12 RPCD.MSME&NFS.BC. No.20/06.02.31/2012-13 August 1, 2012 Micro and Small Enterprises Sector – The imperative of Financial Literacy and

consultancy support



13 RPCD.MSME&NFS.BC. No.53/06.02.31/2011-12 January 4, 2012 Issue of Acknowledgement of     Loan     Applications     to

MSME borrowers





June 29, 2010 Recommendations of   the

Prime Minister’s High Level Task Force on MSMEs


3.2, 6.5

15 RPCD.SME&NFS.BC.N o.79/06.02.31/2009-10 May 6, 2010 Working Group to Review the Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) – Collateral free loans to





16 RPCD.SME&NFS.No.94 70/06.02.31 (P)/2009-10 March 11, 2010 Sanction of Composite Loans to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE)




17 RPCD.SME&NFS.No.13 657/06.02.31(P)/2008-


June 18, 2009 Collateral free loans to the

units         financed         under PMEGP



18 RPCD.SME&NFS.BC.N o.102/06.04.01/2008-09 May 4, 2009 Credit delivery to the Micro and       Small       Enterprises




19 RPCD,SME&NFS.No.12 372/06.02.31(P)/2007-


May 23, 2008 Credit         Linked        Capital Subsidy Scheme


April 4, 2007 Credit flow to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Sector – Enactment of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development

(MSMED), Act 2006





21 RPCD.PLNFS.BC.28/06

.02.31(WG)/ 2004-05

September 4, 2004 Working Group on Flow of

Credit to SSI sector

22 RPCD.PLNFS.BC.39/06


November 3, 2003 Credit facilities for SSIs – Collateral Free Loans 4.2
23 DBOD.No.BL.BC.74/22. 01.001/2002 March 11, 2002 Conversion       of       General Banking         Branches         to

Specialised SSI Branches



March 2, 2001 Implementation of Nayak Committee Recommendations- Progress made by banks- Study of specialized SSI


25 IECD.No.5/08.12.01/200 0-01 October 16, 2000 Flow of Credit to SSI Sector- Decision of the Group of



/06.02.31(ii) -98/99

August 28, 1998 High Level Committee on SSI- Kapur Committee- Implementation                      of



