CIT(E) Can’t Reject Trust’s Registration Application Based on Only One Clause of Trust Deed- Surat ITAT


CIT(E) Can’t Reject Trust’s Registration Application Based on Only One Clause of Trust Deed- Surat ITAT


Facts of the Case

The assessee-trust was established with the objects, inter alia, to set up or to be helpful to educational institutions for the upliftment of the group of people following Jainism. The assessee filed an application for registration under section 12AB of the Income Tax Act.

The CIT(E) rejected the assessee’s application for registration under section 12AB of the Act. He held that the objects of the trust were restricted to the benefit of a particular religious community, i.e. Jain community and, therefore, provisions of Sec. 13(1)(b) would be applicable. The matter reached the Surat Tribunal.


The Tribunal held that it was clear from the objects of the assessee-trust that it was not for the benefit of only the Jain community. The CIT(E) considered only one clause for proper appreciation of the issue. The objects also include medical help to needy patients, educational, occupational and medical help, welfare activities for the upliftment of the general public, etc.

Hence, rejecting registration based on only one clause is improper. Since the facts of the present case are similar to those of the earlier case, following the reasons given in the earlier case, the matter was restored back to the file of CIT(E) for de novo consideration after giving the assessee adequate opportunity for hearing.

List of Cases Reviewed

CIT v. Leuva Patel Seva Samaj Trust (2014) 42 181 (Guj)

Bhojalram Leuva Patel Seva Samaj Trust v. CIT (2024) 162 270 (Ahmedabad – Trib.)

CIT v. Palghat Shadi Mahal Trust 120 Taxman. 889 (SC)

CIT v. Dawoodi Bohara Jamat 43 243 (SC)

CIT(E) v. Bayath Kutchhi Dasha Oswal Jaian Mahajan Trust (2016) 74 199 (Guj)

CIT v. Shree Tapeshwar Hanumaji Bajrang Charity Trust (2020) 122 98 (Guj) [Para 5.1] followed.

List of Cases Referred to

CIT (Exemptions) v. Bayath Kutchhi Dasha Oswal Jain Mahajan Trust [2016] 74 199/243 Taxman 60 (Gujarat) (para 3)

CIT v. Leuva Patel Seva Samaj Trust [2014] 42 181/221 Taxman 75 (Gujarat) (para 3)

Jamiatul Banaat Tankaria v. CIT (Exemption) [2024] 160 358/205 ITD 673 (Ahmedabad – Trib.) (para 3)

Bhojalram Leuva Patel Seva Samaj Trust v. CIT (Exemptions) [2024] 162 270 (Ahmedabad – Trib.) (para 3)

CIT v. Dawoodi Bohara Jamat [2014] 43 243/222 Taxman 228/364 ITR 31 (SC) (para 4)

CIT v. Shree Tapeshwar Hanumaji Bajrang Charity Trust [2020] 122 98/421 ITR 358 (Gujarat) (para 5.1).
