Resolving the issue of GST Credit Mismatch for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 & unresolved issues


Resolving the issue of GST Credit Mismatch for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 & unresolved issues

A point which is part of each and every audit or investigation conducted by the GST departments is regarding the credits claimed under GSTR-3B vs GSTR-2A.

Without prejudice to various challenges about the validity of such comparison and ineligibility of ITC, Circular 183 is sorting out this point for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19.

So, if your credit which is not available in GSTR-2A for ONE Financial Year is more than Rs. 5 lakh from ANY ONE SUPPLIER, just produce a CA certificate stating that the supply was actually made from the supplier to the taxpayer and the supplier has discharged the tax in Form GSTR-3B.
-If your credit is which is not available in GSTR-2A for ONE Financial Year is less than Rs. 5 lakh from ANY SUPPLIER, self certificate from that supplier as mentioned above would be enough.

There are some issues which is worth pondering still after the said circular, as under:

  1. What if the supplier has not paid tax related to that in FORM GSTR-3B but paid it through DRC-03 due to any genuine reason.
  2. How should a CA verify the details and give the certificate if the supplier is reluctant to share such business sensitive information.
  3. Condition again on the basis of proviso to Section 16(4) (Para 4.2 of the circular) will still hurt the genuine taxpayers.
  4. 120%, 110% of GSTR-2A credits (basically Rule 36(4) amended time to time) seem useless.
  5. Instructions will apply for cases of FY 2017-18 and 2018-19.
  1. One may note that the above instructions of circular No.183/15/2022 Dt.27/12/2022 will apply only to the ongoing proceedings in scrutiny/audit investigation, etc. for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 and not to the completed proceedings.


The copy of the Circular No. 182 is as under:

[pdf-embedderurl=”” title=”Resolving the issue of GST Credit Mismatch for FY 2017-18 and 2018-19 & unresolved issues”]
