Clarification by GST Karnataka on “Revocation of cancelled GSTIN beyond 90 days by LGSTO’S/SGSTO’S based on Appeal order / High Court orders”
A welcome clarification have been issued by Karnataka GST department on subject “Revocation of cancelled GSTIN beyond 90 days by LGSTO’S/SGSTO’S based on Appeal order / High Court orders”
Now a module has been developed and tested in order to revoke cancelled GSTIN beyond 90 days. With the help of the module – Revocation after Appeal / Court Orders, LGSTO’s/SGSTO’s can revoke cancelled GSTINs of the Tax payers who have not applied for Revocation beyond 90 days and preferred the appeal.
The path for revocation of cancellation at GST Pro is Registration Request> Approve Revocation Request> Revocation after Appeal/Fligh Court Order.
To enable the revocation, the proper officer has to select the GSTIN and upload the pdf copy of the Appeal order or High Court order along with the Revocation Proceedings drawn to revoke the cancelled GSTIN.
All the actions have to be done with the Digital Signature Certificate of the Officer.