Calculation of taxable interest relating to contribution in a provident fund or recognised provided fund, exceeding specified limit.

Calculation of taxable interest relating to contribution in a provident fund or recognised provided fund, exceeding specified limit.


Calculation of taxable interest relating to contribution in a provident fund or recognised provided fund, exceeding specified limit.


Rule 9D to income tax Rules – 1962 deals with the Calculation of taxable interest relating to contribution in a provident fund or recognised provided fund, exceeding specified limit. It reads as under:
Rule 9D.
 (1) For the purposes of the first and second provisos to clauses (11) and (12) of section 10, income by way of interest accrued during the previous year which is not exempt from inclusion in the total income of a person under the said clauses (hereinafter in this rule referred to as the taxable interest), shall be computed as the interest accrued during the previous year in the taxable contribution account.
(2) For the purpose of calculation of taxable interest under sub-rule (1), separate accounts within the provident fund account shall be maintained during the previous year 2021-2022 and all subsequent previous years for taxable contribution and non-taxable contribution made by a person.
Explanation: For the purposes of this rule,—
Non-taxable contribution account shall be the aggregate of the following, namely:—
closing balance in the account as on 31st day of March, 2021;
any contribution made by the person in the account during the previous year 2021-2022 and subsequent previous years, which is not included in the taxable contribution account; and
interest accrued on sub-clause (i) and sub-clause (ii),
as reduced by the withdrawal, if any, from such account;
Taxable contribution account shall be the aggregate of the following, namely:-
contribution made by the person in a previous year in the account during the previous year 2021-2022 and subsequent previous years, which is in excess of the threshold limit; and
interest accrued on sub- clause (i),
as reduced by the withdrawal, if any, from such account; and
The threshold limit shall mean:
five lakh rupees, if the second proviso to clause (11) or clause (12) of section 10 is applicable; and
two lakh and fifty thousand rupees in other cases.]
