Technical Glitches at the New Income Tax Portal Continues: Trouble in Filing Form No. 10AB

Technical Glitches at the New Income Tax Portal Continues: Trouble in Filing Form No. 10AB


Technical Glitches at the New Income Tax Portal Continues:

Trouble in Filing Form No. 10AB

Despite the time of more than 8 months,the glitches at the new income tax portal is continuing.
There are numerous instances where wrong data is getting displayed or the submission is not displayed.
At one time of points it is showing some data and a minute later, some other data is displayed.
Utility for Form NO. 10AB has been released but it is full of errors and mistake.  This Form No. 10AB is required for making the permament registration of the trust.  All truss which are granted provisional registration can make application for permanent registration in Form 10AB wihtin the prescribed period.
In Form No. 10AB, the utility is still appears to be on trial and error mode. It has made various fields mandatory though it may not be applicable in case of all the trusts.  It is in the “Operational Details forms”.
The screen shot of the same is as under:
Unless and untill the sameis completed by some data, the application cannot be filed and submitted.
Technical Glitches at the New Income Tax Portal Continues: Trobule in Filing Form No. 10AB
Similarly, in the verification part, the name of the person cannot be typed. In stead of that only son / daughter has to be mentioned. The utility is making the process of filing difficult and time consuming.
The screen shot of the same is as under:
Technical Glitches at the New Income Tax Portal Continues: Trobule in Filing Form No. 10AB
First of all ,there is a considerable delay in releasing the utility of Form NO. 10AB. Even though it is released belatedly, it is released for the name sake i.e., for the sake of releasing.
The country of 130 Cr which is known as the IT Hub of world is facing such trial and error approach for such a small work.
Painful it is. Hope some one finds it relevant and would do the needful.
