CS Deepak P. Singh
As you are aware that the management of a company is supposed to work in the best interest of the shareholders, however in practice it may pursue its own agenda and that leads to the agency conflicts. Since corporates are legal entities and managed by natural persons and they collectively called Board of Directors. The BOD is supposed to work for betterment of company and the owners i.e., shareholders, but in some time, they indulge in such activities which are against their duties and responsibilities. They are under common law considered as agent and trustee of the assets of the company. Sometimes conflict often results in management adopting illegal and unethical practices to boot revenue and profits and window dressing of financial results to mislead general public and the shareholders, by showing that company is growing day by day, this way they hide actual financial position of the company. The Auditors of the company are also involved in this type of activities.
This type of malpractices occurs due to lack of Corporate Governance in the company and some big companies were victims of these malpractices. Such as Enron, WorldCom, Xerox, Lucent Technologies and of course in India Satyam Computers Limited, The National Spot Exchange Limited.
The nature of problem reported in above companies are inflated profits and understatement of losses and liabilities by using unconsolidated Special Purpose Vehicle. Inflated profits by classifying operating expenses as Capital Expenditure leading to over statement of profits and assets of the company in the financial statement.
In Xerox the management has inflated reported profits by recognizing future receipts as current income by changing Accounting Policies relating to Revenue Recognition.
Lucent Technologies- booking of fictitious sales by treating the goods sent to the distributors on consignment bases as final sales leading to overstatement of earning.
Satyam Computers Limited-it was the fourth largest IT company in India at that time and employing 50000 employees with turnover of US$ 2.0 billion. The company within a short span of time achieved a sizable turnover and had listed on NASDAQ. But in7th January,2009 it shocked the world community, when its CEO admitted massive fraud involving falsification of accounts. The CEO admitted that the Balance Sheet of the Company as of September,2008 has inflated (non-existent) cash and bank balances of Rs. 5,040 Crores, nonexistent accrued interest to the tune of Rs. 376 Crores. At the same time the liabilities were understated by Rs. 1,230 Crores and debtors were overstated by Rs. 490 Crores. He further informed that actual revenue and profits last quarter was Rs. 2,112 and Rs. 61 Crores instead of Rs. 2,700 and Rs. 649 Crores respectively. The management along with auditors of the company diverted the funds of the company to their real estate business and done window dressing to produce false picture of the financial stability of the company before the world.
BRIEF FACTS: The NSEL was promoted by Financial Technology Group (FTG) and National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED). As on 31st March,2013 the share capital of company consists of 4.50 Crores of Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each. The entire share capital except 100 shares were held by Financial Technologies Limited (FTL) owned by Mr. Jignesh Shah.
NSEL commenced operation in 2008 and is currently operational in 16 states providing delivery-based Spot-Trading in 50 commodities. The exchange has developed a market for trading in commodities in India and has provided a platform to agriculturists in India to trade with their commodities same and trading in shares.
All contracts on the NSEL were single day duration and positions outstanding at the end of day results into compulsory delivery. Each seller has to compulsory deliver the commodities in the NSEL designated warehouses. Before deposit, the goods have to be compulsory weighed and certified by the warehouse supervisor. NSEL guaranteed the performance of all contracts executed on the exchange through a settlement guarantee fund. Notwithstanding default of any member, payout is guaranteed by the exchange. All positions outstanding are subject to margin however margin is not applicable on the sellers who deposited goods in the warehouse and pledge the Warehouse Receipt with the exchange.
Further NSEL in addition to Spot Contracts, introduced product in the nature of “Repo or Repurchase Contracts”. In a repo transaction the seller sells the underlying asset on a Spot Basis with an agreement to buy it back (repurchase) later at a pre-determined price. The repurchase price provides an assured profit to the seller in first leg; there are two legs of each repo-transaction.
These are
In first leg the seller (suppose Mr. X) sells goods to the buyer (Mr. Y) say for Rs. 100 Lakhs for Spot Delivery. The goods are kept in the warehouse maintained by the exchange.
At the same time Mr. X and Mr. Y agree that after some time, say a month, the seller Mr. X will buy the goods back from the buyer Mr. Y for say Rs. 101 Lakhs.