Representation to FM by BJP CA Cell, Mumbai for GST betterment in Union Budget 2022
BJP CA cell has given some remarkable suggestion for forthcoming Budget 2022.
The suggestion includes the following :
For ease of business and relief to SME
1. There should be quarterly matching of ITC no of return by SME one quarterly and payment also quarterly.
2.For resolving issue of matching allow reporting B to C with PAN based
3. To allow details of B to B and B to C sales purchase with annual return.
4. To allow ITC to the purchasers in respect of returns filed by the suppliers up to 31sg March 2022 for the period 01/07/2017 to 31/03/2021.
5. Allow ITC without matching for amount less than 1000.
6. Reduce rate of interest to 12% for SME and over all 15% for late payment up to one year.
7. No audit by the department for SME under the GST having turnover up to 5 cr .
8. To provide refund, when ITC is reversed for want of, mismatch and tax paid cash , when ITC is allowable upon reporting invoice by the supplier.
10 Face less issue of refund. If the tax payer wants then to grant opportunity of hearing when refund is proposed to reject. Otherwise to grant auto refund with interest.
The copy of the representation is as under: