Hon’ble Gujarat high court disposes the petitions on assurance by CBDT for resolution of technical glitches

Hon’ble Gujarat high court disposes the petitions on assurance by CBDT for resolution of technical glitches


Hon’ble Gujarat high court disposes the petitions on assurance by CBDT for resolution of technical glitches

Hon’ble Gujarat High Court finally disposed off much talked about petitions namely Vikash Jain Vs UOI (SCA 586/2022)and Southern Gujarat Income Tax Bar association Vs UOI (SCA 591/2022) on the assurances given by CBDT.
In this case, CBDT through its Chairman stated in reply that a team of 6 officials is made to look into grievances of taxpayers and consultants.
It is further submitted thag they have after considering the request of petitioners created separate email id
TAR.helpdesk@incometax.gov.in_ for the same.
Further, contact number for resolution are given as :
 +91-80-461-22000, 1800 103 0025, 1800 419 0025.
Also, in the online grievances can be submitted to _efilingwebmanager@incometax.gov.in_ and _efilinghelpdesk@incometax.gov.in_
Request for submission of Tax Audit Report Physically:
The request for physical filing could not be accepted because of absence of mechanism to accept manual format. However, assurance for not imposing penalty under Section 273B was given, in case of genuine hardship cases.
