ICAI writes to Navbharat Times against wrong News with the caption “LIC Agent ke khate se Rs. 16 lac nikale gaye, CA giraftaar”


ICAI writes to Navbharat Times against wrong News with the caption “LIC Agent ke khate se Rs. 16 lac nikale gaye, CA giraftaar”

(Set up by an Act of Parliament)
September 3, 2021
Mr. Sanjay Khati
Executive Editor
Navbharat Times
New Delhi
Sub.: News Item with the caption “LIC Agent ke khate se Rs. 16 lac nikale gaye, CA giraftaar”
Dear Sir
We have come across a news item published in the Navbharat Times dated August 21, 2021 with the caption “LIC Agent ke khate se Rs. 16 lac nikale gaye, CA giraftaar”. It is stated in the news item that one Ashish Tayal, a resident of Palwal was arrested for allegedly duping an LIC agent. It was further stated that the accused Ashish Tayal is a Chartered Accountant.
Based on our records we wish to clarify, that the said Ashish Tayal is not a Chartered Accountant and it has been wrongly reported that he is a Chartered Accountant in the said news item. By attributing such a fraud wrongly to a Chartered Accountant you have brought immense disrepute to the profession of Chartered Accountancy and tarnished their image in the eyes of the public.
Your correspondent has not verified with us as to whether the accused is a Chartered Accountant before publishing the aforesaid News Item.
You are, therefore, advised to publish a clarification prominently in your columns stating that the accused is not a Chartered Accountant and also express regret for the error.
In future, you may please verify and confirm with us whether the accused is a Chartered Accountant or not before publishing such stories. Such unverified news brings huge disrepute to the noble profession of Chartered Accountant and tarnishes their image in the society.
Yours Faithfully
CA.(Dr.) Jai Kumar Batra
Acting Secretary
