Transactions in derivatives is trading and as such not permissible for chartered accountants ?


Transactions in derivatives is trading and as such not permissible for chartered accountants ?

Ethical Standards Board (ESB) had issued a reply to a querry asked on transactions in derivatives is trading and as such not permissible for chartered accountants in practice (PCA)?
It is noticed that many chartered accountants are making investment transactions in derivatives.
An opinion was sought on  the subject before the Ethical Standards Board (ESB) and thereafter passed by the ESB, before the Council to the ICAI.
The Council is allowed to permit activities that are anciliary to profession for PCA.
It was viewed that CA curriculum includes this topic, it calls for utilising knowledge in finance, company law, etc. to invest in derivatives.
 Investment in shares and securities. Derivative is a kind of security.
 Therefore, it is incorrect to say that transactions in derivatives is not permissible.
Therefore, this view has been considered as erreneous & ESB and Council has passed an Item that:
“Derivative transactions are not business activity and would therefore not be deemed as prohibited from the standpoint of members in practice undertaking the said activity in their individual capacity (and not in professional capacity).”
