Jamshedpur Chartered Accountants Society requested for extension of Due Date of filing of Tax Audit and Income Tax Return for Assessment Year 2020-21
Date: 16/12/2020
Smt. Nirmala Sitaraman
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Ministry of Finance.
Government of India, North Block,
New Delhi 110 001
Request for extension of Due Date of filing of Tax Audit and Income Tax Return for Assessment Year 2020 due to COVID 19 Pandemic.
Jamshedpur Chartered Accountants Society is organization of Practicing Chartered Accountants having more than 150 members
At the outset, we would like to convey our sincere thanks and gratitude to the Government for the way the pandemic has been efficiently tackled. Also to the Finance Ministry to provide extension of due dates of filing Income tax audit report and income tax return (non-tax audit cases) filing upto 31 December 2020 and Income tax return filing (tax audit cases) 31 January 2021 considering the COVID 19 conditions.
We would like to bring to your kind notice that in performing our professional duties. We need a number of information which are necessary to complete the Statutory and tax audit Forms. In many cases, reporting is pending due to non-availability of details. Considering the limited staff availability, lesser visits to the client place, calling for information via scanned or couriers, limited working hours it is taking a lot more time to complete an audit as compared to earlier years.lt is equally important to follow the guidelines issued by’the government to work in covid era.
Businessmen. CA’s and the accountant coming to our office for audit work have tested positive resulting in closure of the office for10- 14 days hampering of the audit and other related work. Even after recovering from Covid-19 the doctors are advising rest and precautions, further lead to delay for 1-2 weeks.
The utilities of 1TR has been updated for fixing the bugs in the month of December 2020.Further various due dates are overlapping. Besides the income tax compliances there are GST compliances for form 9C which has to he completed in the month of December 2020.
We really appreciate that the due date has been extended earlier but even then considering the covid pandemic situation it is very difficult to perform our professional assignment in this extended time.
We therefore request your honour to please further extend all the due dates to 31st March 2021.Positive consideration of our request is highly solicited This will be very useful for the taxation fraternity and trade and industry as well.
Thanking you.
For: Jamshedpur Chartered Accountants Society
(CA Jagdish Khandelwal) President
CA Anil Agarwal) Secretary