Know about Rule 36(4) in CGST Rules


Know about Rule 36(4) in CGST Rules

Applicability of Invoices/debit notes for Rule 36(4) of the CGST Rules


The restriction of availment of ITC is imposed only in respect of those invoices/debit notes, details of which are required to be uploaded by the suppliers under sub-section (1) of section 37 and which have not been uploaded. Therefore, taxpayers may avail full ITC in respect of IGST paid on import, documents issued under RCM, credit received from ISD etc. which are outside the ambit of sub-section (1) of section 37, provided that eligibility conditions for availment of ITC are met in respect of the same. The restriction of 36(4) will be applicable only on the invoices/debit notes on which credit is availed after 09.10.2019.

Restrictions is to be calculated supplier wise or on a consolidated basis?

The restriction imposed is not supplier wise. The credit available under sub-rule (4) of rule 36 is linked to total eligible credit from all suppliers against all supplies whose details have been uploaded by the suppliers. Further, the calculation would be based on only those invoices which are otherwise eligible for ITC. Accordingly, those invoices on which ITC is not available under any of the provision (say under sub-section (5) of section 17) would not be considered for calculating 20 per cent. of the eligible credit available.

Admissibility of ITC

The amount of input tax credit in respect of the invoices/debit notes whose details have not been uploaded by the suppliers shall not exceed 20% of the eligible input tax credit available to the recipient in respect of invoices or debit notes the details of which have been uploaded by the suppliers under subsection (1) of section 37 as on the due date of filing of the returns in FORM GSTR-1 of the suppliers for the said tax period. The taxpayer may have to ascertain the same from his auto-populated FORM GSTR 2A as available on the due date of filing of FORM GSTR-1 under sub-section (1) of section 37.

Rule in Short:

Sub-rule (4) of rule 36 prescribes that the ITC to be availed by a registered person in respect of invoices or debit notes, the details of which have not been uploaded by the suppliers under subsection (1) of section 37, shall not exceed 20 per cent. of the eligible credit available in respect of invoices or debit notes the details of which have been uploaded by the suppliers under subsection (1) of section 37.

The balance ITC may be claimed by the taxpayer in any of the succeeding months provided details of requisite invoices are uploaded by the suppliers. He can claim proportionate ITC as and when details of some invoices are uploaded by the suppliers provided that credit on invoices, the details of which are not uploaded (under sub-section (1) of section 37) remains under 20 per cent of the eligible input tax credit, the details of which are uploaded by the suppliers.

The Rule 36(4) implications can be summaried as under:

1.  The restriction imposed is not supplier wise.

2.  ITC, where GSTR 1 has not been filed, shall be restricted to 20% of total eligible credit as per GSTR2A.

3.   This restriction does not apply to ITC on Imports, under RCM, ISD etc.

4. The credit available under sub-rule (4) of rule 36 is linked to total eligible credit from all suppliers

5.  This mechanism would involve reconciliation of GSTR 2A with Purchase Register regularly.

6.   ITC, where GSTR 1 has not been filed by the supplier, can be claimed in the subsequent period when filed.

7.   In the subsequent period eligible, ITC of the previous period would be 20% of Total Eligible ITC minus ITC already claimed in respect
