Similar types of errors is being committed by the Assessing Officers either by deliberately or due to ‘Induced ignorance’. Jharkhand HC advised CITs to conduct orientation courses for AOs.


Similar types of errors is being committed by the Assessing Officers either by deliberately or due to ‘Induced ignorance’. Jharkhand HC advised CITs to conduct orientation courses for AOs.

Sidhi Vinayak Metcon Ltd.

[2019] 106 2 (Jharkhand)

Where addition was made to income of assessee-company mainly for reason that though amount pertained to share applications but identity of applicants remained unverified and assessee could not give reply in that regard, it was held that addition made by Assessing Officer should not have been made by him because amount received towards share applications was by way of cheque and all details regarding applicants were furnished by assessee and department could have issued notices to such applicants, hence, there was no need for Assessing Officer to make addition on that ground

 Similar types of errors is being committed by the Assessing Officers either by deliberately or due to ‘Induced ignorance’. It is high time for the Commissioner of Income-tax, to have orientation courses or induction courses conducted for the Assessing Officer (AO) to make them understand that there is need for the AO to give notice to the drawers whenever assessee receives any amount by cheque.
