An interesting decision in respect of Concept of “Ancestral Property” rendered by the Supreme Court !
Hindu Laws Ancestral Property Concept of
Any property inherited upto four generations of male lineage from the father, father’s father or father’s father’s father i.e. father, grand father etc., is termed as ancestral property
In other words, property inherited from mother, grandmother, uncle and even brother is not ancestral property—In ancestral property, the right of property accrues to the coparcener on birth—The concept of ancestral property is in existence since time immemorial.
[2018 SAR (Civil Supp. II)………Supreme Court…….IN…….Mangammal @ Thulasi and Anr. Vs. T.B. Raju and Ors.; Civil Appeal No. 1933 of 2009; Decided on 19th April, 2018.]