Dont forget to Upload registered office details- MCA has released the form INC-22A

Dont forget to Upload registered office details- MCA has released the form INC-22A


Dont forget to Upload registered office details- MCA has released the form INC-22A

It has become applicable from today and needs to be filed on or before 25th April, 2019. If not filed, then after 26th April, 2019 the company status will be shown as “ACTIVE non compliant”. Now the filing fees is NIL upto 25th April, 2019. Thereafter the filing fees will be Rs.10,000/- per form.
The 14 requirements for this form are as follows:
1) Photo of the registered office is required – One Photo of the exterior of the building showing the name of the building and another photo of the inside of the registered office is required.
2) Photo of the Director signing by DSC is required. Therefore, please take photograph of the Director sitting inside the registered office is required. Please take frontal photo of the Director.
3) Both photos to be in PDF format.
4) If there is no activity in the registered office, then please show some activity. The name board of the company should be affixed outside the commercial premises of the company indicating therein the name, address, CIN, telephone no. e-mail id, website address, if any, GSTIN, if any. In case any registered office does not have any business activity, then please ensure change in registered office before filing of this form.
5) e-mail id of the company – such as or or if it is yahoo mail – E-mail id in the name of directors, auditors or third persons will not be allowed.
6) e-mail id is subject to OTP;
7) in the address field, the latitude and longitude of the registered office is required to be given. This can be obtained from Google maps.
8) list of all directors as on date of filing – all directors’ DIN should be in active mode. if the KYC of any Director is not done, then it is better to get to done immediately before filing this form
9) details of statutory auditors appointed;
10) details of cost auditors, if any;
11) details of MD, CEO or WTD of the company – in case company is required to have a MD or WTD as per the Rules, then it should have it or else appointed before filing of this form. MD required in case of listed companies or public companies with paid up share capital of more than Rs.10 crores.
12) details of company secretary – in case the company is required to appoint a company secretary as per the Rules and it does not have, then it is better to appoint one before filing of this form. CS is mandatorily required in listed companies, public companies with paid up share capital of more than Rs.10 crores or private company having paid up share capital of more than Rs.5 crores.
13) details of CFO – in case the company is required to appoint a CFO as per the Rules and it does not have, then it is better to appoint one before filing of this form. CFO is required in listed companies or public companies with paid up share capital of Rs.10 crores or more.
14) details of annual filing for financial year 2017-18. In case the annual e-forms i.e. AOC-4 & MGT-7 for FY 2017-18 is not filed, then it is better to have these forms filed first before filing form INC-22A.
