Active compliant company status.

Active compliant company status.


Active compliant company status.

In terms of complying with the latest notification of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) dated 21st February 2019 regarding ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) copy of notification attached herewith, every company incorporated on or before 31st December, 2017 shall file the particulars of the company and its registered office, in e-Form INC-22A, i.e. ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) on or before 25.O4.2O19.  

Provided that any company which has not filed its due financial statements under section 137 or due annual returns under section 92 or both with the Registrar shall be restricted from filing e-Form- INC-22A , unless such company is under management dispute and the Registrar has recorded the same on the register.

In case of non- compliance of the said notification, the Company shall be marked as “ACTlVE-non-compliant” on or after 26th April, 2019 and Registrar may initiate action for the removal of the name of the company from the register of companies under Chapter XVIII.

Registered email id of company is mandatory for authentication of e-Form by way of One Time Password (OTP).

Where a company files “e-Form INC-22A”, on or after 26th April 2019, the company shall be marked as “ACTIVE Compliant”, on payment of fee of Ten Thousand Rupees“. 

We would like to request you to kindly provide us the following details/ documents for filing the e-form  INC-22A:- 

1) Digital Signature Certificate(DSC) of at least one director.

2) Registered email id of company for authentication of Form.

3) Photograph of registered Office showing external building and inside office also showing therein at least one director/KMP who has affixed Digital signature to e-form.

Active compliant company status.
