Don’t Harass the Tax Payers – CBDT Chairman

Don’t Harass the Tax Payers - CBDT Chairman*


Don’t Harass the Tax Payers – CBDT Chairman

Chairman, CBDT & Special Secretary to the Government of India
GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Finance/Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes North Block, New Delhi – 110001
E-mail Tele : 23092648 & Telefax : 23092544
26th February, 2019
My dear colleagues,
On taking over responsibility of the Chairman, CBDT, I am thankful to each and everyone for bestowing their good wishes as well as for the faith they have reposed in me. The efforts of our predecessors have ensured, that the Department has only risen in stature and with your support, I hope to continue to meet the aspirations of not only the public and taxpayers but also our own employees.
Our immediate priority, will be maximizing Revenue collection. We need to widen and deepen the tax base, ensuring simultaneously, the optimum utilization of physical as well as human resources.
This must be done without any harassment or high handedness on the part of officers or officials. Our conduct must be impeccable, friendly, yet objective -without fear or favour- as we move towards becoming a non- adversarial regime.
Timely delivery of quality Tax Payer Services shall be another prime area of focus. Continuous and concerted efforts must be made to address and redress all public grievances within the prescribed time- limit. Systemic reforms shall continue to be undertaken, especially to redress grievances of smaller taxpayers, such as: Increased automation of processes, e- filing, centralized processing of tax returns, and other bulk operations. Expediting Dispute Resolution, Tax Payer Education and Litigation Management shall also be areas of focus and concern.
We shall continue to strive towards greater transparency, accountability and improved voluntary compliance as we roll out a Digital Administration.
The Board shall also make all efforts for ensuring timely provision of service needs of its officials, with an aim to improve their efficiency, output, and morale. We shall try our best to harmonize the organizational goals with the needs of every employee, so that they are able to rise to the challenges of effective tax- administration with increased exposure and up-gradation.
“In dreams, begin responsibilities”. In this shared vision, I look forward, to not only your continuous support, but also your constructive suggestions and participation for improving the image of the Department and contributing towards Nation Building.
(P. C. Mody)
