ITAT should give independent reason showing consideration of the submission made by Assessee
Cheryl J. Patel vs. ACIT (Bombay High Court)
S. 254(1): The ITAT should give independent reasons showing consideration of the submissions made on behalf of the assessee. An appellate order which affirms the order of the lower authority need not be a very detailed order. Nevertheless, there should be some indication in the order passed by the appellate authority of due application of mind to the contentions raised by the asseseee in the context of findings of the lower authority which were the subject matter of the challenge before it
We find that while discussing various issues, the Tribunal has not given any independent reasons showing consideration of the submissions made on behalf of the assessee. We are conscious of the fact that an appellate order which affirms the order of the lower authority need not be a very detailed order, nevertheless, there should be some indication in the order passed by the appellate authority, of due application of mind to the contentions raised by the asseseee in the context of findings of the lower authority which were the subject matter of the challenge before it. In view of above, the interest of justice would be served if the impugned order is quashed and set aside and the appeals are restored to the Tribunal for fresh consideration