50 Legal phrases used in Laws that every legal professional should know.

50 Legal phrases used in Laws that every legal professional should know.


50 Legal phrases used in Laws that every legal professional should know.


  1. Audit Altream partem : It is a principle of natural justice. According to this principle, which is the principle in every civilized jurisprudence, a person against whom any action is sought to be taken or a person whose rights or interests are to be affected should be given a reasonable opportunity to defend himself.


  1. 44 Several Liability means separate liability. [Refer sections 168(3), 171(7), 179(1)178(5) & 188A.]


  1. 36 In Pari Material Pavi Causa: Same material, same content {Eg. Sec. 24B of IT Act, 1922 is Pari Material with Sec. 159 of IT Act, 1961. In such a case a judgement given in respect of section 24B would be valid in respect of sec. 159}


  1. 39 Tax is always charged, Interest is levied and Penalty is imposed


  1. Derived from & attributable to: Derived from refers to direct connection with a particular matter whereas attributable to refers to an indirect connection


  1. Suo moto: own motion


  1. ‘MAY’ may be treated as ‘SHALL’ but ‘SHALL’ shall not be treated as ‘MAY’


  1. Ibid: As printed earlier


  1. Deeming fiction cannot be stretched beyonyd the purpose for which it is created


  1. Purposes of this Act: Proceeding must have being pending


  1. Redundant Provision : Out of Force or Outdated Provision


  1. Tenable: Acceptable in law


  1. The words used in Law are not used for nothing


  1. Ipso Facto: By this fact alone or because of this matter alone


  1. To invoke Provision : To make use of particular provision


  1. Doctrine of Merger: When an order passed by the lower authority is superceded by the higher authority


  1. Doctrine : Principle or saying in general acceptance


  1. Quasi Criminal: Almost equal to criminal


  1. Quasi : Almost Similar to


  1. If one section is superceded by the other section : Use words “Save as otherwise



  1. Suo Moto: On its own


  1. So far as may be: To the extent possible


  1. Reason to believe Vs Reason to suspect: Refer various caselaws


  1. Jurisprudence: Law regarding particular matter


  1. To Quash: The process of cancelling the proceeding of Assessing Authorities by

Judicial Authorities


  1. Mensrea: Guilty Mind


  1. Prima Facie: On its face


  1. Non est: What is not in existence / Non existing thing


  1. Inter alia : Among other things.


  1. Locus Standi : Directly involved in relation or deal.


  1. Per se : By ownself


  1. Call in question: To challenge


  1. De Nova: Completely New


  1. Sine quo non: Most essential thing/ importantly


  1. Cy Press : As near as possible


  1. De hors : Independent of


  1. Reckoned : Recognised, Counted, Calculated


  1. Save as otherwise provided : Except to the extent as oppositely provided


  1. Mutatis Mutandis: After making necessary changes as may be required


  1. To impugne : To challenge


  1. Deductions are admissible, Relief is granted.


  1. Discovery Vs Detection: Discovery is made by the assessee whereas detection is done by the Assessing Officer


  1. If one section is overriding the other section : Use Words “Not withstanding anything contained in ……”


  1. Travisity of Justice : A ridiculous interpretation of a very serious statement, making a mockery of a very serious matter


  1. Order of Injunction of HC : Stay order.


  1. Vitiate Proceedings : To make proceedings null, void.


  1. Garnishee Proceeding : The proceeding which gives Govt. the right to attach (i.e. forcibly take over) any asset from a person who is defaulter.


  1. Other provisions apply in General way: Use words “Without prejudice to the provisions ……………..”


  1. Return is always furnished, Assessment order is made / passed.


  1. Legatee is a person for whose benefit there exists an asset of a deceased



