GST: When Tax Deduction is not Required to be done
Total value of taxable supply ≤ Rs. 2.5 Lakh under a contract.
Receipt of goods and services which are exempted.
Goods on which GST is not leviable.
Where the location of the supplier and place of supply is in a State(s)/UT(s) which is different from the State / UT where the deductor is registered.
All activities or transactions specified in Schedule III of the CGST/SGST Acts 2017, irrespective of the value.
Where the payment relates to a tax invoice that has been issued before 01.10.2018.
Where any amount was paid in advance prior to 01.10.2018 and the tax invoice has been issued on or after 01.10.18, to the extent of advance payment made before 01.10.2018.
Where the tax is to be paid on reverse charge by the recipient i.e. the deductee.
Where the payment is made to an unregistered supplier.
Where the payment relates to “Cess” component.
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