Decision of Rajasthan High Court giving directions to CBDT for further extension for 15 days and waiver of interest u/s 234A:


Decision of Rajasthan High Court giving directions to CBDT for further extension for 15 days and waiver of interest u/s 234A:

Welcome judgement by Rajashtan High Court asking CBDT to reconsider date extension by another 15 days and also interest u/s 234A

As expected, Court has issued a direction to the CBDT regardiing Tax Audit Date extension and for interest u/s 234A.

It was a reasonably well worded order which has asked CBDT to reconsider both the issue in a time bound manner i.e., till 10th October. It has asked CBDT to consider extension for another 15 days with a speaking order.

Already, thre were discussion about levy of interest u/s 234A which is otherwise considered as Ultra Vires by legal luminaries. With court order, decision is also expected to be reversed back.

The case was filed by Rajasthan Tax Consutalnts Assciation and the everyone in the country was waiting for the order today.

Even though the Court order has asked to “reconsider” which reading in entirerty can be considered as “order to extent the date”.

The present order is consider as a hard measure ont the CBDT which has ignored number of represenation given by the professionals and businessmen for date extension.


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