United We Win
– CA Devendra Somani
After three continuous representations of ICAI, Writs in High Courts and representations from various forums, the Finance Minister has extended the date of submission of TARs & ITRs by 15 days, that too on payment of interest u/s 234A. We genuinely expressed our concerns but it seems that our request is acceded to half heartedly by the FM under Court’s pressure despite showing bonafide reasons beyond our control and we highlighted the genuine need. It gives me displeasure that when it comes to other professions like advocates, doctors, etc., they get united and their leaders do anything for their members but when it comes to us, we are not one voiced and seems divided. That’s why weare ignored. Profession is above any personal differences and we should not shy and put our demands strongly. This is one recent example. In the past also, we witnessed the same on many issues, let it be matter of appointment of bank statutory audits, concurrent audits, etc. we were always ignored but blamed for any mis-happening. Therefore, my humble request to all — please be united professionally for better tomorrow. It’s right time that effective leaders are chosen. I will be in touch with you on other issues also, as hitherto.

With regards,
CA. Somani Devendra Kumar
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