All about GSTR-9, 9A, 9B & 9C returns
The following information is expected to be filed in GSTR-9A return:
1. Total value of purchases on which ITC availed (inter-State)
2. Total value of purchases on which ITC availed (intra-State)
3. Total value of purchases on which ITC availed (Imports)
4. Other Purchases on which no ITC availed
5. Sales Returns
6. Other Expenditure (Expenditure other than purchases)
7. Total value of supplies on which GST paid (inter-State Supplies)
8. Total value of supplies on which GST Paid (intra-State Supplies)
9. Total value of supplies on which GST Paid (Exports)
10. Total value of supplies on which no GST Paid (Exports)
11. Value of Other Supplies on which no GST paid
12. Purchase Returns
13. Other Income (Income other than from supplies)
14. Return reconciliation Statement
15. Arrears (Audit/Assessment etc.)
16. Refunds
17. Turnover Details
18. Profit as Per the Profit and Loss Statement.
19. Gross Profit
20. Profit after Tax
21. Net Profit
22. Details of Statutory Audit
*Penalty for late filing of GSTR-9 return*
A per day penalty of Rs.100, up to a maximum amount of Rs.5000 would be applicable for late filing of GSTR-9 return. Only if all the GSTR-1, GSTR-2 and GSTR-3 returns are filed, the taxpayer would be able to file GSTR-9 return on the GST Portal.
*GSTR-9 Filing – GST Annual Return – Due on 31st December*
GSTR-9 or GST Annual Return must be filed by all regular taxpayers registered under GST. The only category of GST registered entities not required to file GSTR-9 filing are input service distributors, casual taxable persons and non-resident taxable persons. The due date for filing GSTR-9 is 31st December
*GSTR-9 Filing*
GSTR-9 or GST annual return is a type of GST return that must be filed by regular taxpayers and persons registered under GST composition scheme. GSTR-9 must be filed each year through the GST Common Portal or LEDGERS GST Sofware or at a GST Facilitation Centre
*GSTR-9A return*
Regular GST taxpayers filing GSTR-1, GSTR-2 and GSTR-3 must file GSTR-9A on or before 31st December, consolidating information furnished during the previous financial year.
*GSTR-9B return*
GSTR-9B return should be filed by electronic commerce operators who are required to collect tax at source. In addition to GSTR-9B return, electronic commerce operators will also be required to file GSTR-8 return, every month.
*GSTR-9C return*
Regular taxpayers registered under GST having an annual aggregate turnover of over Rs.2 crores during a financial year are required to get their accounts audited and file a copy of the audited annual account and reconciliation statement along with GSTR-9C return. The GST annual audit can be done by a practising Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant.
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