
Every next student not from family background of chartered accountancy is peeping for the answer whether to give single group or both group in CA exams at both level i.e. CA IPCC and CA Final.

Here is the solution too every problem regarding whether to opt for single group or both groups:

Advantages of giving both groups:

  • Chances of getting cleared in one go.
  • Can take advantage of the aggregate set off of marks in case of both groups.
  • An opportunity for getting articleship at Big 4 or reputed firms as they prefer both groups qualified students.
  • Becoming Chartered Accountant at early age.

Disadvantages of giving both groups:

  • Chances of getting exemptions reduced due to divided focus on 7-8 subjects together.
  • Chances of not able to clear single group.
  • Preparation for long period may lead to inefficiency and frustration.
  • Lack of focus.
  • Insufficient time leads to failure to perform in both groups.
  • “Jack of all trades. Master of none” .Trying both groups in one go but not completing single.

Advantages of giving single groups:

  • Better understanding and retention.
  • Probability of getting clear the group in one go.
  • Probability of getting an exemption in one or more subject.
  • Lesser course to prepare in more time.
  • Confidence is build up.
  • Pressure for next group is reduced.

Disadvantages of giving single groups:

  • Cannot take advantage of the aggregate set off of marks in case of both groups.
  • Loss of an opportunity to get a Rank.
  • Lack of seriousness.
  • Giving single group just because your friend is giving single group, even when your preparation is good for both the group.



Final decision whether to opt for single or both group is on the student. Decision of giving single or both groups depends on the preparation of the student and the time available. It also depends upon the pressure that student can handle.

Take best decision for yourself

All the best!!


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