The Central Bureau of Investigation today arrested Deputy Commissioner (Customs) Shashikant, posted at ICD, Dadri in Noida while accepting a bribe of Rs 5 lakh from CHA for clearing a consignment of tyres. gold brick of one kilogram worth about Rs 30 lakh, Rs14.73 lakh cash, gold, silver, and Diamond jewellery besides other investment worth crores of rupees were seized during search of his Nodia home. CHA Shashi Gupta of Sharp Travel India Private Limited and Narendra Kumar Chug of Aban Exim Private Limited, were also arrested during the operation.
4 DY commissioner of customs and a customs superintendent posted at JNCH, Nhava Sheva arrested by CBI.
CBI has arrested Dy commissioner Mukesh Meena ; Dy Commissioner Rajeev Kumar singh; Dy Commissioner Sudarshan Meena; Dy Commissioner Sandeep Yadav; Supdt Manish Singh and Private Person(CHA) Nilesh Singh in an alleged bribery case.
CBI has registered a case on the allegations of demanding a bribe of Rs 50 lakh from the Complainant for managing the clearance of the consignment. CBI laid a trap and caught two Dy Commissioners & one private person for allegedly accepting Rs 5 lakh as the first instalment of bribe. Role of two more Dy Commissioners and a Superintendent was also found during investigation.Searches were conducted at the official & residential premises of the accused.
Devendra Jain Sr Correspondent Pudhari News Pune
The arrested accused are being produced today before the Competent Court, Mumbai.
,Pudhari Publications Pvt ltd Pune