IRS are front line soldiers in the battle against Black Money : President Kovind to IRS Officer

IRS are front line soldiers in the battle against Black Money : President Kovind to IRS Officer



“Tax payer is your partner, not your adversary,” the Hon’ble President Kovind said, echoing the words of several Courts which have repeatedly passed strictures against the department for adopting strong arm techniques with taxpayers.

“You have a policy & regulatory role, but you are principally a service provider. Please be sensitive to the demands and dignity of the person – the honest tax payer – who is coming to you for a service,” the President added.

He also advise the Income-tax department that while India’s tax to GDP ratio needs to improve, it has to be done “by persuasion” and not “by intrusion“.

India’s tax to GDP ratio needs to improve, but it is do by persuasion, not intrusion
The Hon’ble President also candidly admitted that there is corruption in the revenue services. However, he referred to this as an “aberration”.

The Learn President said that “Honesty is a given” and  “written into the DNA of the Revenue Service”.

He pointed out that despite these “aberrations”, common people still have great expectations from the IRS officers and other public servants.

 Also He is referred to the IRS as “front line soldiers in the battle against black money”.

He noted that the Government has put in place various steps to eradicate. Or at least minimise the curse of black money.


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