After Rap By President Kovind, CBDT Warns Sr. Officers

CBDT Warns Sr. Officers


After Rap By President Kovind, CBDT Warns Sr. Officers Against Harassment, Misconduct & High-Handedness Of Hapless Taxpayers

The CBDT has issued a sternly worded directive dated 16th April 2018 stating that a number of complaints are being received in the Tax Payer Services Directorate regarding harassment, misconduct and high handedness of Officers and staff.

It is stated that such incidents damage the image and reputation of the Income Tax Department and dent the efforts of the Department to position itself as a service oriented organization.

All officers and staff have been instructed to deal with the public not only with administrative efficiency but also with the requisite soft skills.

It is stated that the behaviour needs to be impeccable not only in the performance of their official duties but also decorous outside the office.

The provocation for the directive appears to be the reprimand issued by Hon’ble President Kovind that the income-tax department is a “service provider” which should be “sensitive to the demands and dignity of the person”.

Tax payer is your partner, not your adversary,” the Honorable President had reminded the income-tax department

5th Floor, Mayur Bhawan,
Connaught Circus. New Delhi-110001

D.O.F.No.Pr. DGIT(Admn. &TPS)/D0/2018-19/

Date: 16.04.2018


Sub: Misconduct and high handedness by Sr. Officers of the Department-reg.

The Board has constantly impressed upon the officers in the field formations the necessity of soft skills while dealing with taxpayers or their representatives. It is important that the behavior of officers and staff should be courteous, polite and above reproach. However, a number of complaints are being received in the Tax Payer Services Directorate and CBDT regarding harassment, misconduct and high handedness of Officers and staff. Such incidents damage the image and reputation of the Income Tax Department and dent the efforts of the Department to position itself as a service oriented organization.

May I, therefore request you to issue necessary instructions to your officers and staff to deal with public not only with administrative efficiency but also with the requisite soft skills. Their behaviour needs to be impeccable not only in the performance of their official duties but also decorous outside the office. Clause 3 and 3A (extract enclosed) and other applicable rules of the Central Civil Service (CCS) Conduct Rules, 1964 may kindly be reiterated in this regard.


Neena Kumar



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