Taxability of subsidy !!

Taxability of subsidy !!


Taxability of subsidy

CIT vs. Chaphalkar Brothers Pune (Supreme Court).

Taxability of subsidies: A subsidy granted by the Govt to achieve the objects. Of acceleration of industrial development. And generation of employment is capital. in nature and not revenue. The fact that the incentives are not available unless and until commercial production has start. And that the incentives are not give to the assessee, expressly for the purpose of purchasing capital assets or for the purpose of purchasing machinery is irrelevant. The object has to be see and not the form in which it is grant

The aforesaid object is clear and unequivocal. The object of the grant of the subsidy was in order that persons come forward to construct Multiplex Theater Complexes, the idea being that exemption from entertainment duty for a period. of three years and partial remission for a period of two years should go towards helping the industry to set up such highly capital intensive entertainment centers. This being the case, it is difficult to accept Mr. Narasimha’s argument that it is only the immediate object and not the larger object which must be keep in mind in that the subsidy scheme kicks in only post construction, that is when cinema tickets are actually ge sell.

Taxability of subsidy

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