Income TaxFILING e-TDS RETURN WITH INSUFFICIENT PAN31 May 20100FILING e-TDS Query 1] Sir, while filing quarterly e-TDS return: If total number of persons from whom TDS is deducted…
Income TaxINCOME TAX REFUND NOT RECEIVED….24 May 20100TAX REFUND Query 1] I had filed my IT returns for the Assessment Year 2009-10 electronically on 31-07-09, but still…
Income TaxSALE OF SHARES OF UNLISTED COMPANY & EXEMPTION U/S 54F10 May 20100EXEMPTION U/S 54F Query 1] By oversight, we have recovered less Profession Tax (in M.P.) from employees in the F.Y.2009-10.…
Income TaxFORM NO. 15G VS. FORM NO. 15H3 May 20100form no 15g and 15h Query 1] Sir, I work in Manufacturing Co In MIDC Area in Nagpur. It would…